Monday, September 06, 2010


Here's what this says:

Dear Mr. Obama,

Thank you for not going to Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day.

There is something very sacred about that place and about that day.

Those who bled and died for this country deserve to be honored and saluted by people who love their country and honor their sacrifice.

You don't belong there.

Thank you for realizing that and going to Chicago.

Craig P. Jacobi, Col, USA[rmy],(Ret)
McLean, Va

"The flag does not fly because of the wind that blows it.

The flag flies because each soldiers' last breath blows by it."

So succinct; so powerful.

(Zømbie Killer)


  1. Hope you get done reloading soon.

  2. Many of "us folks" on the right side of Liberty are busy doing what needs to be done,NOW,at this perilous time,other than blogging...y'know, groundwork,gruntwork,grass-roots work...
