Monday, August 30, 2010

From the Mailbag

Exactly as it came to me:

I am appalled that so many of my friends are against the mosque near Ground Zero.  We should allow it in order to promote tolerance.

I also propose that two gay nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque to promote tolerance in the mosque.  We could call them "The Turban Cowboy" and "You Mecca Me Hot".

Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork and have an open barbeque with pork ribs, and across the street a very daring lingerie store called "Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret.   And next door in flashing lights open an Adult Toy Shop.  I think for the purpose of tolerance we should build accordingly around the Mosque.

I love creative thinking, don't you?

The Gunslinger
(IslamoNazi Hater)


  1. Except for the Sufi sect,I do not regard Islam as a religion.It is an ideology,founded by a caravan thief.Nothing above the "credo",nothing below the "credo",nothing outside the "credo". Why do so-called "liberals" flock to bend over backwards to shill for these thin-skinned Intolerants who demand tolerance for their beliefs while showing no tolerance for others? I guess control-freaks recognize other control-freaks...they are useful idiots who do not realize they would be the first in line for a stonin'...

  2. I believe Greg Gutfeld has the gay nightclub idea covered.

  3. Yeah, he does. I say let them build the damn thing and when it's full, fly a couple of drones into it. -- Skiri'ki

  4. Skiri'ki....that is fierce. And I LOVE it!

  5. I was thinkin' maybe an air traffic control tower? Too gaudy?
