Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Boxing in the Matrix

The code word for my theory of political and cultural revolution is: The Matrix.

(Okay, so it's a code phrase. Sue me.)

I've written about this before, but I think now is the time to get serious.  I'll try to make as clear as I can....I only say that because I've had trouble getting some people to understand. Conventional thinking gets in the way...as does our mistaken notions of what the "enemy" actually believes.

I have the advantage of a certain special viewpoint because I was a "Liberal" until 2001. So while that is nine years ago...I still have a very clear memory of what I believed and erroneously thought the Left believed and what I believed Conservatives believed, that they never even considered believing.

And in that totally fucked up mistaken identity, crossed-wires screwed up communication, imagination and impression lies the simple secret of the way we are going to save this goddamned country from the tyrants and collectivists.

Simple. Not easy.

Here goes.

What do you think Liberals believe? Or perhaps more accurately, what do you think Liberals want?

If you look at the politicians they support and vote for, and the policies they defend and advance, you would not be crazy to assume they believe in collectivism, in an entirely government planned economy, in everyone being the same, sheep led and fed by the shepherd of big government. They would seem to totally support the idea of "Big Brother".

Their policies, on all fronts, increase the power of government, and reduce the freedom of individuals. They remove incentive; independence; freedom of choice, movement, association, speech, religion. Liberals regularly defend socialism and communism—which have been proved to create, in every single instance, an oligarchy of powerful rulers over a populace of serfs ruled and controlled against their will.

That, surely is what Liberals want. What they believe in. What they're working for.


Given the people and policies they support, how could it be otherwise?

There's only one problem. If you contemplate their art, watch their movies, listen to their stories, read their books...you find a narrative that is dramatically different; indeed, diametrically opposed!

Their myths do not support their politics!

And the disconnect is pretty huge. Not to say psychotic.

Let's take a look at a couple of their best known myths...two movies that have entered the zeitgeist...and popular culture to the point that references from both movies are instantly understood by most people:

The Matrix and Star Wars.

What stories do these movies tell? What is the lesson? Who are the heroes? Who are the villains?

In simplest terms, both movies are about people striving for freedom against an oppressive government. Against control of their lives by others. The willingness to fight and die for Liberty. The villains are those seeking to rule others against their wills. The admired heroes are those individuals whose personal virtues propel them beyond their ordinary lives, into extraordinary actions of courage, honor, loyalty and salvation.

Does that sound like LIBERAL POLITICS to you?

No. But it is the Liberal Myth!

Rambo, Rocky, Batman, Terminator, Die Hard, V (for Vendetta), Brazil, Star Trek (The BORG)...

Here's the weird thing: They root for the individual to win over the collective EVERY TIME! Hollywood writers, directors, producers, studios, actors; authors; the media; even the collectivist dolts in academia...

...and all of their Liberal audiences, readers, viewers and students!

Liberals, it turns out when you examine their myths and stories, honor the individual who escapes from the oppression of the nameless collective (which sometimes they identify as the corporation or the military.)

Have you ever heard of a Hollywood movie that celebrates the destruction of the strong individual hero and his being subsumed into the hive as an undifferentiated number?

No. Even in Babylon, that is a tragedy. They get it. The escape of the individual hero from the oppressive collective is cause for celebration...his destruction and absorption into the collective is cause for grief.

Now...what does that tell us? About the REAL substance and belief system of Liberals?

The options, it seems to me are:

1) They are stupid
2) They are evil
3) They are confused

I think, depending on exactly which Liberal we're talking about, any of the above can be true.
I think there is a part of the Liberal class that inherently knows it cannot compete in the world, and really does want a shepherd, an overlord that will take care of them. These are the stupid.

I think there really are people who are so evil they are willing to sacrifice the lives and happiness of every human being in the world if by doing so they can guarantee themselves positions of power, wealth and status. These of course are the evil.

But I think the third group is by far the largest—and the laziest. They've been told that the values they honor are "Left-wing-progressive" ones. And they haven't bothered to question that lie. Even when they are faced with evidence that their Left-Wing-Progressive policies and programs murder the very virtues and values they pretend to support and advance. Every. Single. Time.

Liberals believe in Liberty and courage and honor and truth and fidelity and discipline and self-reliance and industriousness and perseverance.  They adore the lone, individual, iconoclastic hero.
But they're mistakenly under the impression that today's Liberalism fosters that character and that story.

They are entirely unaware that it is the Conservatives that support agendas, programs and policies that would make that hero possible, and that their Liberal ones would kill him dead.

As I see it, it's our job (or at least MY job) to come up with a way to help them flip the switch, so that they understand that what they already love and admire is not "Liberalism" but its opposite.

It's not a question of re-education, but merely one of re-labeling. And I think that's a lot easier.

And that's what I'm going to be working on going forward.  Because if we don't clarify the vision, and get a majority of Americans on our side, we are going to lose the country.

As I've said, we can perhaps get people to pull the lever we want at a particular moment in time because of a bad economy or an embarrassing scandal...but in order to get and keep the country on the right track, we have to have a clear understanding of our national mythology/narrative and what is harmonious with it, and what is, in fact, discordant, no matter how cleverly it's sold by the villainous masters of deception!

The Gunslinger
Zombie Killer


  1. Hmmm...VERY on-the-money observation. Quite a few folks I know are in the mis-guided, "confused" category,who until recently were buying that "Liberal myth" ("the Underdog vs. the Establishment" as a perpetual framework for the Issues,even after the issues have been mostly decided (how many times can the now-Establishment media run old newsreels about 60s Civil Rights cluster-fucks,only meaning to "keep the sores of resentment alive!"),and the New Bosses are authoritarian "hip mofos" who violate the very principles of Individual Freedom and Choice,pimping their way to power.Most of these "confused" are abashed at the brazen-ness of the contemporary crop of "Liberals" in their power-grab against the "People" they claim to care about. I reply "They are just effing crooks,follow the money---prove that I'm wrong".Back in the late 1960s,most of the headshops in the Haight were owned by a Nob Hill dentist.A front. These "liberal"/Left-wing politicians are ALL a front of some criminal enterprise or other. Yes, "re-labeling" the debate is key. "Con vs. Lib" IS a dead debate.Has been for several decades.

  2. Very interesting. I will definitely restructure some of my usual arguments in light of this - and I hope you don't mind if I pass it along!

  3. Cynyr...of course not! I want everyone to understand this...as soon as they do, the "Liberals" are done.
