An asshole writing a hit book on Sarah Palin has rented the house next door to her's in Alaska. Is it possible for someone to have less class? Could he be more of a Stalker?
The asshole is Joe McGinniss, the asshole's publisher is Broadway Books, Crown Publishing Group...Random House.
The asshole Joe McGinniss, and the asshole's publisher, Random House are prepared to harass and stalk a woman's family for over five months to make what they no doubt hope will be a slam on Mrs. Palin and her husband and children that will be popular with Progressives and other scumbags...and of course, make a lot of dirty money.
When, exactly did American become this sewer, populated by such scurvy rats?
Maybe we do need it all to burn down....if just to kill all the vermin.
The Gunslinger
(hoping she mistakes him for a moose)
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Brings new meaning to "Border Control". I hope she mistakes him for moose as well.