Monday, March 29, 2010

His widdle feelings was hurt.

"State Department officials, some of whom were holdovers from the Bush Administration, say the reasoning for the U.S. to end the annual summits, which had been held since 1991, was in part due to Obama and his team's feeling " slighted" by European leaders and their staffs, such as French president Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, both of whom have come away less than impressed with Obama's style and substance."

I'm sorry. What Roman Emperor does this remind you of.....he gets his feelings hurt...and sets the place on fire?

No, not Nero, that was a figure of speech.

CALIGULA....the original Malignant Narcissist

Now the American Resident.

Oh Joy.

The Gunslinger
Rise and Fall...

Read the Rest, under "Not What They Expected"


  1. A paranoid,narcissistic sociopath...As per article-mention,OF COURSE he does not know what is in the Bill we call "Obamacare",he has never actually done much work of his own in his life.As said before,a Soros spokesmodel,only gives inspired speechifying at invitation-only media-ops,but in the "surprise" ("Media Stunt!")trip to Afghanistan,is obviously on auto-pilot Robot Mode,full of empty cliches. In other,cruder terms...a douche-bag.

  2. tj, ditto it all!

    Van...I KNOW...that drives me crazy...arms bent, hands at his waist....wrists limp.


  3. AHhahahahaha! He's becoming more petulant as time goes on. And all his wittle supporters who were not popular and on the wrong end of school yard ridicule are cheering with delight because now they, too, feel vindicated. They will still be food in the end. -- skiri'ki

  4. They will still be food in the end.

    Whoa....great line. A little creepy....but GREAT!

  5. Well, they've gotta be good for something. Right? ;) -- skiri'ki
