Monday, March 22, 2010

Feel the Crackling Electricity in the Air? IT IS ON!

Dana Loesch at Big Government:
"Last night the Democrat party died as it drove a spear through the torso of the Constitution and passed legislation that the majority of Americans overwhelmingly opposed. Nancy Pelosi sauntered into the capitol surrounded by fellow socialists, carrying the gavel used in 1965 to pass the now-bankrupt Medicare.

All summer long Americans filled town halls, emailed, called, and faxed their lawmakers, and they were forsaken. They were called Nazis, racists, homophobes; they were threatened, beaten, and called stupid because they disagreed with the minority who feels that the government should run our lives. Our lawmakers unofficially stopped representing us last spring.

Last night, our legislators officially broke the contract with America that is the Constitution. Last night, they ceased to represent us. Last night, a new party was born; the malignant tumor that is the progressive caucus consumed the Democrat party from within and gave birth to the mainstream Socialist Party."

Read the whole thing here. Prepare to be inspired!


1 comment:

  1. She does tend to nail it and rev it up at the same time, doesn't she?

    I had the pleasure of having lunch with Dana and her husband, and other St. Louis Tea Party leaders (and Big Gov't/Journalism contributors) Bill Hennessey and John & Gina Loudon, and in more than a few Tea Party actions.

    The Left thinks "the American people, when they see the benefits of this Healthcontrol bill, they'll enjoy and get used to them..."... are they ever in for a rude awakening, and a direct experience of the meaning of the Declaration of Independence!

    As you say, "We Are Coming!"
