This is getting insane.
Check out this article in American Spectator: Turning America into a Banana Republic.
This "deeming" procedure is beyond the pale that I thought even the Democrats would go. And see what the "Republican Majority" Ferrara predicts will do about it once they're elected.
I like that there's the possibility of what we might call "undeeming"...but the confusion and craziness the whole thing will cause is just another disgusting, dripping, moldy black mark on this poser's "Residency".
He seriously does not care what the American People want. Or what the law is. Or what our traditions are, or what the Constitution demands.
He seriously does not care that the Constitution is the Law of the Land. For him, and his rogue-Democrats see it as an obstruction to their plans and policies.
It's redundant, I know, but how the hell did this asshole ever get elected? And what is wrong with the people who still continue to support him? Have they really gone as far down the road to serfdom as this position implies?
The horror. The horror.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
I know it's redundant, but we must keep on keeping on. Never quit or give up, because if we do...all might be lost. I will never compromise my values and morals for anyone.
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you how he got elected...Color. I'm sure I'm going to get spanked for saying that, but it's the truth. Personally, I do not care if someone is Black, White, Yellow, or Pink Purple Polka-Dotted...Americans come in many different flavors. We are Americans, not European Americans, not African Americans, not Whatever Americans. To be an American means you need to understand and uphold the values the Founding Fathers set forth in the Constitution. It is the creed we should all live by. True freedom. Fair.
I'm willing to bet you that the majority of 0bama voters cannot name the three branches of our government, but they believe he'll pay their mortgage, buy their gas, and give 'em free health care. These people have no clue. Sorry for the rant, but I'm pissed off beyond all recognition. Take this comment down if you harm done.
"And what is wrong with the people who still continue to support him? Have they really gone as far down the road to serfdom as this position implies?"
ReplyDeleteDid they pay attention in class and not snigger at their teachers? Then yes, they are well down that road.
Did they snigger at their teachers foolishness, but not get informed by their parents what the actual lesson and info is? Then they are nearly as far down that road, and likely infected with enough cynicism as to make them easily as bad or worse than the true believers, once the right 'cause' activates them.
Really doesn't matter whether public or private schooling (other than homeschooling and some aware private schools), because the teachers come from the same god awful teaching colleges, or at the very least have been fed the same courses.
Btw, we managed to stop the leftists coup de grace, the 'Race To The Top' program in Missouri - for the moment at least.
Garlic & wooden stakes will be kept at the ready.
Yabu said "I'll tell you how he got elected...Color."
ReplyDeleteNothing to do with race at all, as I said above, with the true believers and even worse with the naive cynics, they are even worse than the true lefties, ready to be respond "once the right 'cause' activates them".
Obamao is a prime example of people blinking out and ready to 'do what is right!' without a shred of a reason why it is right, other than some pavlovian stimulous.
"...wha...? OH! Must prove I'm not racist! The most important thing!"
@ Van,
ReplyDeleteI agree...
I telling you Van, I would never get in to an argument with you on paper...I couldn't win, and I won't do that. You are much better at expressing your thoughts and putting pen to paper than I. I do believe he got many votes from the black community, because he is black. Period. Sad if it is true, and sad that I believe it, but I live in the South (and it shouldn't matter where I live), and I call it as I see it. He got the push over votes because of his color. Sad, but I believe it's true. I think it had more to do with race than most people want to admit. I believe more blacks voted for the black, than the white...just because he was black.
I have many black friends, and they believe as I do...and they might be wrong, but it's what they believe...he got many votes because of color...not issues. It is what it is.
Bottom line, he needs to be a one termer.
Yabu said "You are much better at expressing your thoughts and putting pen to paper than I. I do believe he got many votes from the black community, because he is black. Period."
ReplyDeleteOoh... for all my supposed 'skills', I don't think I was too clear there. I'm mostly agreeing with you Yabu, but not because of race itself, but because 'color' was and is the 'do what's right' meme that's been drilled into people by the left for the last 50 years.
Stupid and uninformed decisions don't spring from the neurons of people with particular melanin counts in their blood. I'll guarandamntee you Thomas Sowell & Walter E. Williams didn't even consider voting for Obamao. Stupidity isn't partial to melanin count, but it's very fond of the mis-educated and the un-educated... and where are you going to find heaping helpings of those?
Where you're going to find the highest concentration of the mis-educated and the un-educated, is going to be in those areas controlled by the leftists - urban and particularly inner-city areas - which are mostly black because of leftist policies to begin with - and where the worst and most concentrated form of leftist edu-crap is trowelled into unsuspecting minds from birth. And the second largest concentration will be found in the most expensive colleges and universities, where a more finely distilled form of edu-crap is going to be found - these poor folks may not be black, but as a result of their mis-education, it's still the most important consideration for them.
From both locations, all of those who've either bought into and ingested the edu-crap, or who managed to decide that the edu-crap, was crap, but then thought no further and just concluded that 'nobody can ever really know anything really, so just do what you feel like.', in either case, having been raised and fed on a steady diet of edu-crap, what they're going to feel like doing (thinking having been abandoned when they decided to be 'too smart to be hustled'), is leaping at the most stimulating stimulus which they feel shows them to either be 'smart' or 'getting back' or 'evening a score' or 'setting things right' or 'paying off my guilt'....
Well, the biggest most stimulating red flag the left has had in 50 years for getting all of the multi-cultural bull's to stampede is - color.
I'd go off the board for $20 and say that by far, the majority of votes Obamao received from whites, blacks, browns, yellows and whatever other shade there is, was for the reason Biden gave - Obamao was 'clean and articulate' and waved the color flag along with the "I'm ok I don't sound like Jesse & Sharpton". It was a twofer - it got them all to jump and removed the fear of jumping at the same time.
No one voted for Obamao because of what he stood for or believed - no one knew what he stood for or believed! Even the fools who voted for him because he was going to 'spread the wealth around' didn't vote for him because they understood his economic policies - if you understood them you couldn't avoid understanding that they'd wreck the entire economy and then some - they all voted for him because of what they didn't know they didn't know, and because of the different bells the color stimulus set off within them.
In short, it was the most multi-culturally racist vote in history... but not because those who voted for him were black, but because those who voted for him 'thought' his being black mattered.
And that was only made possible by the educationista's swindling them into thinking that their well trained responses could pass for thinking. are POBAR! Welcome to the brotherhood, my friend!
ReplyDeleteOh....I disagree, Van, I think race was a HUGE issue, indeed THE issue. It's what put stars in the Media's eyes, certainly. The lopsided voting among blacks confirms it was about race for them. And his race was just too tempting for guilty white Liberals, and even moderately intelligent whites who loved the idea of closing the door on our "slavery" past.
"Obama is a prime example of people blinking out and ready to 'do what is right!' without a shred of a reason why it is right, other than some pavlovian stimulus."
The thing is, the "do what is right!" is entirely about race. What other "what is right" does the latte colored, empty suit that is Obama represent?
There is no "what is right" about electing a young politician, a Chicago politician, a child of a single mother, a Harvard graduate, a lawyer...
...the only "do what is right" feature of this featureless man is his race.
Your: "...wha...? OH! Must prove I'm not racist! The most important thing!"
Pretty much say is all.....
Gunslinger said "Your: "...wha...? OH! Must prove I'm not racist! The most important thing!"
ReplyDeletePretty much say is all....."
Well... yeah... I think that's what I just said... it's just that being longwinded, I prefer to use a gazillion words to hit every point possible, where a handful and one bullseye would do just fine.
Hard habit to kick.
Damn...Slingbaby and Van...if our paths ever will be one hell of a dinner. It will be a good dinner, though. I'm certain of that!
ReplyDeleteGot your green on? The Juju Woman just turned my white wine green. I is St. Someones day.
Cool Runnings!!
Van...too late I saw that you previously said what I said later...oh, never mind...