Wednesday, February 03, 2010


On Feb 2, 2010, the CBC reported that Newfoundland's Premier Danny Williams will undergo heart surgery in the United States.


Shunning the Canadian health care single payer system he is going to a renowned U.S. expert. A popular progressive, Mr. Williams has in the past vehemently opposed Conservative governments.


"It's typical of Canadian politicians to talk a good game", said one observer. " But as soon as it's them or their families that need help they seek it in the big bad USA."


Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa and liberal PM Jean Cretin also sought and received medical treatment in the U.S.


One critic commented: " Canadian politicians set up a system for the common people who have to wait on dangerously long waiting lists for vital health care. They then tell them how good they have it, only to seek help in the U.S. when it's their lives and health at risk."


I wonder where those poor Canadians will go for help if Obama/Pelosi/Reid Care passes?


1 comment:

  1. LOL!

    It reminds me of a conversation I had with a Canadian tourist at Disney World on the merits of socialized medicine when I asked my she supported it,

    "It's a good back up option if I can't afford to go to ORMC here in Orlando."

    Question: Where will the Canadians go for their medical needs when we get Obamacare?
