Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Tjones left this gem in a comment:

"Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it."  - Ayn Rand

I think we need to consider the implications for the next election—and beyond.

We need to adjust our strategies. We always depend on reason and logic and facts to "win" arguments. We know it never works, and yet we continue to try. It's our nature.

But if we are going to be successful in taking our WORLD back...we'd better get into the heads of the enemy.

When you hunt a bear, you have to think like a bear. When you hunt Liberals, you have to think like a Liberal...

...okay...."think" isn't quite the word I'm looking for, but you get my meaning.

The Gunslinger


  1. Norse-thang ("Ulfhednar"):cool....ANYWAY...My readings of histories of the Founding Fathers show that they weren't averse to playing on emotions,as well as Reason,to promote the Cause.Twas a messy thing,our first Revolution (the documentary "Rebels & Redcoats:A British Persective" posited the interesting definition of the American Revolution as,really,a Civil War between English subjects,and the correspondence of that Period's main actors gives creedence to that outlook(Franklin took just a little longer than Adams to conclude "Fuck it!These Homeland Snobs don't respect us as having the rights accorded to Englishmen...cut the cords,and let's move on to next level of development of Freedom!").So many of us do not appreciate what they put on the line,and made a few shady deals/compromises (realpolick,as it were esp. with the decadent French),just to get to the possibility of a better day.Not saying "compromise is cool". Just don't keep being "Charlie Brown trusting Lucy to play by the Rules" (McCain is a good example).Sometimes ya gotta out-drama the Drama Queens...

  2. Or,as in the movie "Delores Claiborne"..."Sometimes,being a Bitch is all a woman can hold on to"...or, a man. That is,there's a time to stop playing nice.

  3. "When you hunt a bear, you have to think like a bear. When you hunt Liberals, you have to think like a Liberal..."

    Allow me a slight quibble that could make a huge difference... when you hunt a bear, you don't think like a bear, you become aware of how a bear thinks, so that you can outthink it. No need to think like a leftie, which would be a mental health hazard, it's enough that you know how they think, so that you can outthink them... which.. after all... is no great task:

    1. Hold an irrational goal, with the most victim & martyr points possible, while requiring as little thought (or personal cost) as can be.
    2. Seek it in as emotionally dramatic a fashion as possible.
    3. Smear your opponents position wherever possible.
    4. Remember that your Ends completely justify you means, and (privately if possible) act accordingly.
    5. Never admit to anything embarrassing conduct, and accuse when accused, seize the victim ground.

    A few very useful tips for hunting lefties:
    1. Know the facts - they will likely know little beyond their familiar talking points, but more importantly, know the principles behind why your position is right, and theirs is wrong - it is unlikely they we know or grasp these at all.
    2. Use your knowledge of the facts and principles, and their ignorance of them, to publicly expose their ignorance.
    3. Ridicule them with their own ignorance, wherever and whenever possible, as publicly as possible.
