Well....if they're White women.
Please note the "professor's" statement:
"It was a very unfortunate event," he said afterwards. "I didn't mean for it to explode the way it did."
"It" was an "event"? No...you attacked a women because she didn't agree with you.
You didn't mean for "it" to explode? No.. you're totally out-of-control dirtbag, no better than an ignorant gang-banger, and cannot manage your own explosive anger...."
Let's try this instead:
"I'm a total asshole with attitude because I'm black—even though I hold a professorship at a major university...and all the privilege that entails. And I'm such a douchebag that I punched a white woman in the face because she doesn't agree with me about race. I have no business assuming the pretense of the moral maturity and responsibility required to teach young people. I'm an out-of-control rabid dog racist . And I should be shunned by all decent people, of all races, and fired immediately."
Now...there's a statement I could agree with.
Very nicely said Gunslinger. THank you.