Monday, October 12, 2009

What the "Prize" Means

Commenter Pete at American Spectator has it exactly right:
To him [Øbama] this [Nøbel Peace Prize] constitutes a "mandate" from the "world community" to continue weakening and emasculating the United States. Dangerous arrogance from this dungheap of a President.
Hold onto your hats, kids, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

The Gunslinger
Enemy of the Imperial State


  1. I am not sure on this one. Even some of the media that was pro Obama has been going against him on this one.

    I think the potential is there for this to hurt him more than it helps at least at home with voters. . . .

    We can hope anyway. .

  2. Amen brother.

    But, the statement wasn't about what the VOTERS think...but what HE thinks....

  3. Stupid Ø doesn't have the sense to not accept it. It's going to be a target of mockery forEVER.

    And that's a good thing.
