Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Waters Wants You Investigated...

The unutterably vile Maxine Waters had decided that all the participants of the March on Washington, and all Tea Party attendees should be "investigated".
The media should investigate the racial views of conservative activists like the ones who descended on Washington last weekend, one liberal congresswoman said Wednesday.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said that it's not enough for African-Americans to levy allegations of racism against the right-leaning protesters, and that the media must look into their views.

"I want those people talked to; I want them interviewed," Waters told the liberal Bill Press Radio show in a podcast. "I want journalists to be all over those rallies and the marches with the birthers and the teabaggers."
This stupid (by which I mean actually, certifiably, demonstrably stupid...I'm not name-calling here) banshee (you have heard her speak, right?) is under investigation herself for corruption. Whoa, there's a surprise! I admit people like her expose the fundamental problem with democracy: there are enough pinheads in her district to repeatedly elect this halfwit to Congress.

And while I appreciate The Hill identifying her as a "liberal", "Marxist" would have been more accurate.

And they wonder why we hate government.

The Gunslinger


  1. hey, sounds good to me. Go ahead and report on the rallys for a change (God knows they tried to avoid saying anything about it this time). mayube you can even tell the people how many there are. . .

    Then what happens? The rest of the country may wake up to how many of us support the Tea Parties and find out we are the good guys. . . .

    Waters is sounding like McCarthy! you don't like us so I will have you investigated! Ya, you go for it. They are desperate. The harder they squeze the more folks wake up to the facts

  2. "This stupid (by which I mean actually, certifiably, demonstrably stupid...I'm not name-calling here) banshee (you have heard her speak, right?) is under investigation herself for corruption. "

    This would be the same stupid maxine waters who last year jumped the gun by a few months, eager beaver that she is, to push for nObamacare for the Oil companies with (about 1:09 min in)
    "...this member will be all about socializ...Uhm... basically take over and the govt running all of your companies...".

    These socialistic, wanna be fascists, need to be found, named, identified, targeted, Ridiculed, Laughed at and publicly hounded out of our govt.

    We shame ourselves with their presence in our capitol.

  3. UH OH! I was already investigated for bein suspect #2 many years ago by the Federal Bureau of Idiots. Funny how if you are a Patriot and LOVE Your country your labeled as a radical or an extremeist. Just what are they afraid of ? Could it be that they are afraid that the training that I received when I served this country under our Flag was fine when I was under their thumb was ok, but now that I am a private citizen I am a threat because I actually Love My Country enough to still die for it. Freedom not Chains or else!!! Do they really want to challenge that?, Remember the people over the years that have died to defend your freedoms people of this Great Country and throw communism out in 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Nathan...thanks for your service.

    These idiots aren't the one's who were in charge when you were in the service, right? And I don't think they have any more respect for the men in uniform today than they do for veterans.

    The Borg hate anyone outside the Collective, especially those that might have the guts to "resist".
