Monday, September 21, 2009

The "mind" of a Borg Drone

This is instructive. This is the sort of mindset that is befouling our nation.

It was actually written on this blog. By a swaggerer strutting with pretensions to wisdom. I can't imagine a more perfectly or baldly stated Progressive agenda.

Please note especially his reference to "make-believe ancient Freedoms"
"...who wants to regulate a modern electronic, global network according to the notions of Eighteenth Century white men?

Who not in la-la land of make believe, ancient Freedoms, wants to regulate a modern industrial or post industrial society according to the non-existent notions of centuries old men about realities not even imaginable in their time?"

He simply can't wrap his mind around the idea that we don't want government to regulate society....according to anyone's "notions" ancient or modern.

A Borg Drone cannot imagine a creature who doesn't want the Collective to regulate everything.

Welcome to Progressivism.

The Gunslinger
Enemy of the Imperial State


  1. post-industrial. Does the person that wrote that seriously not understand what that phrase means? Oh, wait, Progressive, I forgot for a second...

  2. Anon, no doubt he heard some boneheaded deconstructionist professor say it on PBS once...and thought is sounded cool.

  3. That's not fair dammit. When do I get my very own jackass?
