Monday, August 10, 2009

New Flash...

(I'm doing this from someone else's computer....just so I could let y'all know.)

My computer when down Saturday night. I've been "disconnected" for 36 hours...and it's not been pretty. 

I'm hauling the iMac to the "geniuses" at the Apple Store today. No. Seriously. That's what they call it. I have an "Appointment at the Genius Bar".  

*bemused expression*

Hang in there with me. I'll be back up as soon as possible!  Oh, and say a prayer to the digigods for me.

The Gunslinger
currently Cast into the Outer Darkness
but still an Enemy of the Imperial State (EOTIS)


  1. And here I was,thinking you were busy raising cain at one of those so-called "town hall meetings" tearing a new one on one the spineless...Anyway,"Genius Bar",eh? Haven't laughed so much in weeks! Will offer supplication to the digigods..."Bonus Fortuna!"

  2. Have long have you had your iMac? What did the Genius say caused it to seize up?

  3. Sam,

    3 years, 3 months.

    The hard drive blew. They didn't explain why, just said that it's the weakest link, and it sometimes happens.

    First time for me.
