Monday, July 27, 2009

American Racist

Prof Gates sounds like a perfect little bigoted asshole. Too bad TØTUS* found it necessary to jump to his defense, in front of God and everybody.

They make quite a threesome do PØ'Bama, Gates and Wright.

It must be HELL being Black in America...

W.R. Wansley has a word or two on the subject at American Thinker.

Among my favorite of them are these:

We have now all heard the verbal abuse Gates hurled at the officer -- who was called to protect his property. Gates theatrical reaction to the situation: "This is what happens to a black man in America!" What? Returning to your posh residence from your trip to China and having a neighbor look out for you by reporting suspicious behavior in your upper-crusty neighborhood and having a white public servant come check on your place for you -- is that what "happens" to you in America, Dr. Gates? Swing low sweet chariot.


This will make sense after you read the article:

My sister had her "geneology" DNA done and we're 92% White European (I make the assumption that being full-blood sisters of the same parents mine is the same.)

And strangely enough, it doesn't bother me at all!

(Okay, I'm a little disturbed about that stray 8%, I admit.)

The Gunslinger

*Teleprompter Of The United States

1 comment:

  1. The "" thing,right? Anyway,I noticed years ago that many,if not most,of the most "pissed off" race hustlers had non-"pure" bloodlines in their history (Malcolm X with reddish hair-wrote that his Grandma was "raped" by a white guy,etc.),and that an inordinate amount of celebrities on the covers of Jet and Ebony magazines (Halle,Alicia,Lisa Bonet,Lenny Kravitz for chrissakes) who made cliched political racial "observations") were half or quarter "white".Methinks (methought?) "they doth protest too much". When you are indoctrinated,rather than educated,like Obama,one could postulate that it sets up a self-loathing psycho-logic (emphasis on the "psycho" part)approach to a person's self-identity,and hence the craziness. There've always been rumors about Hitler's possible Jewish background,and we know how THAT self-loathing trip turned out...Thanks much for the "Check These Out" links ("Velociworld" tracked me down via Facebook)
