Friday, June 05, 2009

Muslim Øbama or Christian Øbama?

We all remember this, right?

Does King Barackus think we forgot? Or does he just figure the Government Run Media won't bother pointing out his total lack of integrity and honesty? And that the rest of us are too stupid to think for ourselves?

Last September, Obama talked about his origins and said the Republicans were trying to smear him. He said:

“You know, he’s got a funny name. You know we’re not sure about him. And that’s what the Republicans when they say this isn’t about issues, it’s about personalities, what they’re really saying is, ‘We’re going to try to scare people about Barack. So we’re going to say that, you know, maybe he’s got Muslim connections’…just making stuff up.”

"...just making stuff up." Wow.

Maybe he doesn't know that what he says in Cairo can be heard in California. If he's going to say one thing to Americans and another to the Muslim world, perhaps he should learn a second language, and do what Arafat used to do...say one thing in English and a different thing in Arabic.

Saying both [diametrically opposed] things in English seems a little stupidly self-defeating.

What a dØpe.

I mean, nobody in the entire world thinks that Øbama is a 'believing' Christian, do they? I suspect he's a Muslim—if he's got any real religion at all, considering he's a Progressive, Liberal, Leftist (next comes Atheist?)—who changed his religion to serve his political ambitions.

Today, fair or not, like it or not, a professed Muslim is not gonna be elected president, and I think he did what was necessary to be seen as a Christian. Maybe that's why he could "sit in Reverend Wright's for 20 years" was politically advantageous not only to make good political connections, but publicly appear to be a "Christian"....

Whether racist Wright's Black Liberation Theology has any legitimate right to call itself "Christian" is a whole 'nother post. Years of attendance there were useful in keeping Islam at arm's length. And, let's face it, he didn't have to be "devotional" at all, or live his Christianity. He just had to be Black.

Convenient, profitable and self-promoting. A perfect fit!

The Gunslinger


  1. "BLT" is just another weapon for subversion of "Western" values (y'know...individual liberty and responsibility,etc).An excuse for reversion back to Tribalism.THAT has worked so well for the human race..."Punish (or chop up,or blow up) that little girl,'cause her granddaddy did something wrong to your granddaddy".Not exclusive to Muslims,of course,but most cultures left that attitude behind generations ago.To repeat...Golda Meir said "There will be peace in the Middle East when Palestinians love their children more than they hate the Jews"...

  2. I just stumbled upon your place through a link from Annie at Purely Politics, and have added you to my blogroll.

    I don't know how much traffic that will generate for you (if any) but I do know that "we must all hang together, lest we all hang separately."

  3. Thank you sir. You are most assuredly correct!

