Friday, June 05, 2009

Hubris and Humiliation

Forceful and true analysis of King Barackus' lastest Apology Tour by Wesley Pruden of the Washington Times:

Mr. Obama's revelation of his "inner Muslim" in Cairo reveals much about who he is. He is our first president without an instinctive appreciation of the culture, history, tradition, common law and literature whence America sprang. The genetic imprint writ large in his 43 predecessors is missing from the Obama DNA. He no doubt meant no offense in returning that bust of Churchill ("Who he?") or imagining that a DVD of American movies was appropriate in an exchange of state gifts with Gordon Brown. Nor did he likely understand why it was an offense against history (and good manners) to agree to the exclusion of the Queen from Saturday's commemoration of the Anglo-American liberation of France. Kenya simply routed Kansas.

The great Cairo grovel accomplished nothing beyond the humiliation of the president and the embarrassment of his constituents, few of whom share his need to put America on its knees before its enemies. No president before him has ever shamed us so. We must never forget it. 

Surely no one is surprised!

The Gunslinger


  1. I think the Churchill-bust return had something to do with Churchill playing such a large part in creating Iraq post-World War 1,and was a "shout-out" to his buds that "I will rectify...".Churchill et al did what seemed best for stability at the time.The arrogance of Obama et al is to think that they are beyond human failings.No humility whatsoever...

  2. Addendum: I highly recommend Arthur Herman's dual biography "Gandhi and Churchill",an even-handed examination of how two exceptional leaders (warts and all) influenced our "interesting" times.Read it last I'm reading Herman's "How The Scots Invented The Modern World".Clear-eyed,lucid preservation of History is essential for wise decisions,of which Obama is ignorant of.THAT explains a lot...
