Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm Going with the Italians on This One

For those of us who have been trying to find hints in Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals, about what to expect from Obama, we might have been better served reading Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince instead:

"When seeking office, the aspirant must pretend to be what he is not. After seizing power, he should impose his agenda quickly and ruthlessly before his subjects realize what he is doing and have time to react."

Obama's program so far seems to be a by-the-letter, exact duplication of this advice. Machiavelli also includes a warning that seems particularly apt:

"Those who solely by good fortune become princes from being private citizens have little trouble in rising, but much in keeping atop; they have not any difficulties on the way up, because they fly, but they have many when they reach the summit."

Apparently, Machiavelli also warned, against lavishing benefits upon the population, thus bankrupting the state, causing high taxation and thereby resentment—another gem the Bamster might want to consider.

But my favorite...and the most hopeful, especially in the face of that depressing notion that has become conventional wisdom, that once freedom is lost it is never regained...

"... he who becomes master of a city accustomed to freedom and does not destroy it, may expect to be destroyed by it, for in rebellion it has always the watchword of liberty and its ancient privileges as a rallying point, which neither time nor benefits will ever cause it to forget."
Machiavelli makes the point that it is the very people who once had freedom that feel its loss the keenest and will be the most ready to sacrifice to regain it.

Which makes sense to me. People born into bondage first must be taught that there is such a thing as freedom, and why it is good...and only then can they be moved to act.

I think I'll trust Machiavelli's insight and advice over Saul Alinsky's.

Hey, when was the last time "Progressives" were right about anything?

The Gunslinger


  1. He's like the turtle on top of the fence post...

  2. lowandslowpony10/4/09 9:24 PM

    Garry Owen

  3. He may be more dangerous than I thouht. Obama's narcisstic attitude is that he knows all. He surrounds himself with yes people to remind him he knows all. The G(whiz)20 trip showed that he is an unknowing fool. The dangerous part is, he doesn't realizi it.

    Hillary Clinton is the same.

  4. I've been so focused on the Bamster, I haven't considered Clinton. But I'll have to agree, she's exactly the same.

    "A man's got to know his limitations"* is not an adage they've adopted.

    *Harry Callahan, Magnum Force.

  5. leave the most cryptic comments!

    On my way to Google!
