“we’ve begun the work of remaking America*.”Into what?
Am I the only one who thinks this is a really, really bad idea? And who wonders who the hell gave him permission to do any such thing? And who the hell is "we", Kimosabe?
Does he mean "we" will "remake" America into something better than the Founders created? If Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness isn't good enough, what, I wonder, is superior?
And...does "arrogance" apply yet?
The Gunslinger
*ZerO 4/29/2009, 100 days speech
Whadya expect from "The Boy Raised in a Bubble"?
ReplyDeleteI only wish I could say I'm surprised. If only the Republicans had had a candidate this go-round. By electing this schmoe and now with Specter's aisle-hop, better fasten your seatbelt!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the "remaking" will continue with his Supreme Court selection.