Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Sad, Desperate, Fading Pop Star

Listening to Glenn Beck this morning, I heard an audio tape of an Al Gore speech, given to 12-year-olds privileged to attend the inauguration because of their high scores in school—at least some in....Science.

Al Gore.

Harping on Global Warming. I heard his words, out of his own mouth, telling the children that they know more than their parents...that their parents are uninformed.

Strangely enough, this post is not a rant about the atrociousness of that, and where it will lead, like "informing" on those with "wrong" political thought.

No, the point of this post is "What the Hell Is Al Gore Doing, and Why Is He Doing It?"

The facts are starting to trickle down, even to the dunces of the Slobbering Media. We're experiencing Global Cooling. Indeed, if the planet continues to cool at the rate it has since 2005...the Year Al Gore's "documentary" came out, we'll be in an Ice Age by 2100.

What the hell is wrong with this guy? I know that politicians are, by definition, dense and lack clarity of thought, but surely he can still hear and still read. You'd think he'd get a little less adamant, a little less strident. A little less desperate to continue the myth of "Global Warming".

He's beginning to look a little foolish. Yes, he's still "important" enough to be invited to give speeches by those whose blind faith utterly disallows the invasion of a single fact into their tiny minds - like the dim bulbs called "teachers" in government schools. But his credibility is a bit frayed outside the true believer inner circle.

The man just keeps saying the same thing, over and over, in spite of the changing landscape, in spite of the recent collective rejection of Warming by a passel of scientists, in spite of published temperature trends that clearly demonstrate the lowering of temperatures rather than the raising, the discovery of faults and taints in the original temperature gathering procedures...

He sounds like a One-Hit-Wonder.

That's just what he is. And it explains everything.

Al Gore was, essentially a nobody. He was Vice-President. As I said, a nobody. He was a Senator from a small rural, unimportant (to the Powers-That-Be/the Movers & Shakers) State, who was raised all his life with the ambition to be somebody. Which meant: to be President.

When he lost his bid, he sank back into obscurity and insignificance. He wasn't even a Senator from a small, rural, insignificant State anymore.

Then...he found his Number One Hit.

Global Warming had a nice tune, and you could dance to it. It propelled him into the spotlight. Suddenly he was a Headliner, playing stadiums, making movies, being feted and celebrated by the glitterati in New York, Hollywood and Europe.

Better than being President, dude.

It was what Springsteen might call his "Glory Days". The high point of his bitter little life. He was finally a Big Shot. An International Star. Important. Significant. Bigger than Jesus...(to quote that other rocker.)

But every Number One Hit eventually slips off the charts. Some take longer than others; and he's had a good run. But without a new hit, he's going to get dropped by his label.

Unfortunately, Al Gore doesn't appear to have a good follow-up tune. He's not really an artist. He just stumbled over an "MMMBop" that for a minute, launched him into the stratosphere.

But like all One-Hit-Wonders, he thought the flight would last forever. And he's desperately flapping his arms to keep from falling back to earth.

The Gunslinger


  1. Al Gore is easy to understand, he is an addict and the drug he pushes is Global Warming. He gets off on the attention it gets him and he always needs that next hit. . .

    Detox for this poor dumb sob is going to hurt. . ..

  2. Hey, now... those Hanson boys are talented, don't sink them to his level =P.

  3. I LOVED that song. And they are cute. It was the best example I could think of...sorry.
