Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pot Prez

Is it me? Or does this guy look vaguely stoned?


  1. I'd suggest that he's a bit tired and scared,as if there's a little part of him that knows what a mess his arrogance and his enablers have got his un-prepared ass in.His Blackberry probably has entries that say "Fuckityfuckityfuckfuckfuck" ad infinitum,which is why he doesn't want to give it up,tho it violates the rules.It may be his only teddy-bear friend,and he might've given it a pet name (suggestions?).Poor 'Bama.Poor US (shortly).Now he actually caught the car he's chased,I don't think it'll be long before a public meltdown.One can "hope"...

  2. I keep vacillating between that and the idea that he's so arrogant, and just stupid enough that he doesn't actually know he's unprepared for this job.

    He's the guy who "got by" on looks, or skin color, or patronage, or, connections, in every position he's ever had. He has never actually had to do the "work". He's just posed.

    And he figures that's the way it's done...and will work in the White House too.

    Wait till he finds out he's a Special Olympics "winner" who signed up for Seal Training.
