The relationship between the One and all his Little Ones is symbiotic. All the One’s Little Ones suffer from Personality Deficiency Psychological Disorder (PDPD). This Disorder that afflicts hundreds of millions of the species Homo Sapiens is evolutionary. PDPD is the need for the Little Ones to be led and protected by the One. It is the need for the Little Ones to behold a One greater then themselves and by coming into the exalted presence of the One experience a psychological transformation - a Personality Transference from the One To All His Little Ones - a phenomenon known as PTP (Personality Transference Phenomenon) for the male Little Ones and PSTP (Personality Sexual Transference Phenomenon for female Little Ones.
All the One’s male Little Ones recognize in the One a greater then themselves. They fill the auditoriums and stadiums by the thousands waiting in line for hours and sometimes arriving even a day earlier to ensure entrance into the realm of the One. The male Little Ones come to bask in the presence of the One. To receive guidance from the One as to how they should live their lives, how the One will take care of them and their families, educate the Little One’s, Little Ones, provide for their future, provide for their old age, protect them from the One who rule in other countries and want thru war to become their One.
When the One takes the stage in front of all His Little Ones their adoration is total. The Little Ones look up in sheer awe and admiration as the One starts to speak. Every word uttered by the One is of historical significance, the great words from the great One. For each of the male Little Ones, it’s as if the One is talking to them only. In a stadium filled with tens of thousands of Little Ones, each male Little One feels that the One is talking to them personally. The stadium is totally empty except for the One and Little Male One. Each of the LMO’s feels that the stadium is empty except for them and the One. Each LMO is having a personal conversation with the One. As the One speaks, he is speaking to them alone. As the One smiles, he is smiling at them personally. The One is nurturing the Little Male One. Telling him that he will take care of his problems. That he is asking for the Little Ones support. That he needs the Little One to aid him in the great task that lies ahead. The Little One is made to feel vital and important to the One. That the One cares for him as if he were his own son. The Male Little One feels the personality of the One flowing thru him. He is no longer a Little One listening, he becomes in his mind -the One. He is the One on stage giving the speech. This is PTP. After the One is finished speaking and departs for another stadium filled to overflowing with other Little Ones, each male Little One is left in shock and awe at the experience they have just experienced. They leave ready to do the will of the One.
For the female Little Ones, it’s all about sex. They are filling the stadiums by the tens and tens of thousands to have a sexual experience with the One. All the female Little Ones are already in shock and awe of the One. Their adoration is so overwhelming at the mere mention of the One, they blush and break out red faced and yell and scream. They are ready to experience a sexual organism with the One. When the one comes on stage, its all the female Little One can do to contain her enthusiasm and keep from passing out. She is ready to participate in foreplay with the One. In her mind, the stadium is completely empty except for the One. Her eyes are transfixed on the One. She does not move. She is in a sexual trance. As the One starts to speak his words flow over her body filling her skin with a tingling feeling. The one is talking lovingly to her only, his eyes are caressing her only roaming over her body, the One in his smile and gauze is showing that he wants only her. His hands moving thru the air are moving thru her hair, touching her face, touching her body. As the One reaches his speaking climax, the Little female One climbs with him in her ecstasy, as he climax’s she climax’s in unison. The organism is as real as real can be. The sex is as real as real can be. She leaves enthralled and exhausted and a bit wet from the miracle experience. She has just had a PSTP psychological event.
For the One - the last thing on his mind is sex and certainly not with any female Little One. They exist for his power and glory. He does not exist for theirs.
The One is filled with very mixed emotions concerning both his male and female Little Ones. They fill him on the one hand with happiness that these tens of thousands and greater millions are basking in his glory. This makes the One happy. On the other hand, the reality that he the One must abase himself in front of all his cheering and screaming Little Ones and grovel before them fills him with deep personal disgust. He - the One must stand there and beg for support from his Little Ones is deeply offense to his psychological well being. He is the One after all. Sometimes this deep disgust bubbles to the surface when the One makes fun of his Little Ones mocking their intelligence. This display of independence from dependence on his Little Ones is a very dangerous game for the One to play. He can make fun of the Little Ones but if he is not careful and the Little Ones start to feel that the One no longer loves them then they could start looking for another one to replace the One.
Suffering from PDPD, the Little Ones are filled with the very deep need to walk in the path of the One. Dragging their children with them, by the millions, they will visit where the One was born. The homes the One was raised as a child. They will point out to their children the bed the One slept in as a baby One. The books read by the younger One. The pictures of the One’s parents, brothers and sisters that adorn the walls. Everything that the One may have touched, they will want to touch and in this way feel the One’s greatness. Pictures will be taken of their children lying in the One’s bed. Their children will be told that if they live as the One lived and work hard and study as the One studied then one day they can grow up and become the One. However this is a furlong dream that will never come to fruition for they are the Little One’s Little Ones and that is their fate.
At night when the female Little One tries to sleep but first must fulfill her duty to her male Little One, she will shut her eyes and wander back in her mind to the stadium and her moment of ecstasy with the One. The moment when she left her body and floated onto the stage and onto the One to join and be as one with the One.
On January 20th, when an estimated 2 to 5 million afflicted with PDPD gather in Washington for the inauguration of the One, remember that all the female PDPDers are coming to enjoy sex with the One. You will see it on their faces and in their eyes.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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