Regarding the latest flare-up between the barbarians and the Israelis, can we agree that the answer is simple?
It's not easy. But it is simple—as in "clear", "straighforward", "not complicated": Kill all the barbarians. Not just a few, not just the current crop of scabrous leaders. All of them.
There is a reason we are not threatened by Sabre-Tooth tigers and Dinosaurs. There aren't any. They are all dead. Every single one. Sad for the critters. Good for us.
See how it works? If all the barbarians are dead, they can't murder anyone, they can't attack anyone, they can't threaten anyone, they can't enslave anyone, they can't torture anyone, they can't "convert" anyone. Simple.
I suggest we explain, clearly, that if they don't stop attacking Israel we'll kill them all. Not just the men, but their wives, sons, mothers, fathers, daughters, grandchildren and grandparents. And if they don't stop, do it.
We need to explain that we won't nuke them, because we want their land to be arable because we are going to give it to the Israelis...and their sons and daughters and grandchildren. That the Jews will tear down the mosques and build synagogues on their bones. That the parched and wasted land they now occupy will be fertile and green with many happy Israelis living long, peaceful, happy, prosperous lives upon it generation after generation, while their own pathetic, barbaric culture is dead, forgotten and moldering in its grave.
We need to remind them of, say, Dresden. With our new weapons, we don't need a nuke to utterly ghost a civilization. If genocide can be done with machetes in Africa, surely the United States of America (or Israel, with a little help) can manage it with 21st century military technology.
Seriously, it just takes commitment!
And the rest of the "brotherhood" will take notice, and doubtless be slightly more amenable to our "requests" and "guidance" in the future. If not, spread the wealth to them as appropriate.
You say you want peace? I guaran-fucking-tee you this will achieve it.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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