Well, I'm more or less back. This is Friday, January 2, and I return to work and "real life" on Monday. I've enjoyed this hiatus. Though, I must admit, I didn't really intend to take one. It just took on a life of it's own.
I haven't read a newspaper, listened to a single talk radio show, watched the news, or even engaged in a serious political discussion for almost 3 weeks.
I'm very relaxed. Almost boring.
I've spent most of my Christmas Vacation puttering around the house. I've rearranged/reorganized my kitchen, spiffed up my front and dining rooms, updated my bedroom and generally behaved like a homebody. I even reorganized my gun safe. I've spent days in sweats, not even leaving the house. Cave bear.
It's been brilliant.
But I miss the fray, too. And I'm getting revved up to get back into it. I'm a little reluctant, because I have to admit, I like being ignorant of the ugly news, and the likely ugly future we're faced with.
"Why can't we all just get along???" Rodney and me. Soulmates.
So here's to 2009, let's hope it's better than 2008.
Cling to your guns. Gather the family. Pray. Buy ammo (when it all goes to shit, it'll be better currency that the greenback).
As we get ready to bid President George W. Bush a fond farewell, let's try to remember, that in spite of the disappointments, he is a good man. I hope that history is kind to him, and appreciates what he has accomplished.
And let's take a moment to also appreciate the delightful and sweet, the strong and steadfast, the lady, Laura. For the next four years at least, I have a feeling we will be missing her desperately.
If nobody minds, as an American Woman, I'll pass on being represented by the giant, gawky, scowling, harridan bigfoot, Micki Obama. *shudder*
18 days. I think I begin to appreciate how condemned prisoners feel anticipating their execution.
But in spite of it all, we will endure...in both senses of the word. And we will do it best together.
I'm so glad you're with me!
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Happy New Year to you, too, Gunslinger. Considering 2008 was quite possibly the worst on record (even worse than 2007, when I had a stroke), 2009 has GOT to be better.