Amsterdam has announced that it will close brothels and "coffee shops" order to clean up the old city area that has become a sewer of money-laundering and organized crime, and associated with "human trafficking", by which I suppose they mean slavery, but you certainly cannot expect the Associated Press to actually say that!
Hmmm...who could have imagined it?
That a place where sex and drug libertinism is welcomed, encouraged, fostered and pandered to would turn into a decadent cesspool.
I'm shocked. Shocked, I say!
It's hard to figure out why Liberals are so stupid. They will consistently do the same destructive things over and over, and never, ever learn the lesson. One despairs.
What dysfunction in the Liberal brain disallows learning?
I mean, I used to be a liberal, and I learned. I used to think that the idea of discouraging or disapproving of promiscuity and drug use was "uptight" and "square". But after watching the effects on actual people, and their broken and ruined lives, their unhappy, damaged psyches...I finally faced facts. Living for and wantonly feeding your appetites weakens the divine in humans, and empowers the mindless beast.
And nothing good comes of that.
It may not be the answer 21st century, urban sophisticates want to hear, but there it is.
Yet somehow, even in the face of the supremely obvious, modern, sophisticated, tolerant, free-wheeling Amsterdam still thinks it can both encourage and fuel man's lowest nature, and avoid the logical and inescapable results of doing so.
I think Mr. Savage is right. It's a mental disorder. There is a disconnect between action and consequences that is usually only found in broken minds or untrained dogs and children.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
To paraphrase Churchill (or Rothschild-it's still debated):"If you are 20 and not a Liberal,you have no Heart.If you are 30 and not a Conservative,you have no Brain." God knows,I had a lotta fun,especially in my 20s,but payback was always a Bitch,and not in a good way.Even in the midst of some particular debauchery (yep,Sex'n'Drugs'n'Rock'n'Roll stuff,while playing in bands),I'd see the sadness and desperation in the faces of young ladies who,just prior to the elevation of,er,"activities",had unloaded their sad tales of Soul-Emptiness to me (I apparently had an "understanding" vibe)and later engaged in somewhat-degrading behavior with (quick split-second eye-contact with them spoke volumes).I felt bad about that,but told myself "well,their choice".But it wasn't their choice,really,just a desperate act made out of youthful weakness.Was always there for them,afterwards,to talk. Keeping contact with a couple,now...a special friendship,something their now-husbands may not understand.I do not claim to "understand" women,but I DO know that most things guys come up with in the name of "freedom","choice", and "liberal-thinking" are to the detriment of the innate power of Women,and I like Women.They suffer most under "libertinism",which is another guy-thing for "no responsibility",not being a True Gentleman,just a so-called "Sophisticate",which is a euphemism for "Pimp".
ReplyDeleteWhat's the old line: Women give sex to get love, and men give love to get sex.
ReplyDeleteWithout the requirement for men to love in order to get sex...women's power is lost.
And so are they, too often.
You are so right, almost all young girls regret having sex too soon, and it harms them psychologically. And yet our sick society refuses to acknowledge it, and shoves sexuality down their throats until they do not even realize they have a choice.
Guys don't suffer in the same way, but it's not good for them either. They can miss love entirely, while chasing after sex all the time. Being jaded doesn't look good on anyone. And it's not good for the soul.