Another example, happening about the same time "Christmas" shoppers were trampling a man to death in their greed for deals, and two perfect strangers were providing a floor show in the men's bathroom at a sports stadium while spouses were watching the game in the stands...we have CNN, so anxious to put on a good "show" they call "news", they endangered real live people in hideous circumstances—all from the comfort of their warm, safe little offices, studios and vans.
Who are these people? Are there more of them or us? They seem to be in charge, and they seem to be running full speed ahead for the cliff edge, heedless of consequences; spoiled, ruined children.
"Citizens" like this simply guarantee the fall of civilization as we know it. This is jungle behavior. Mindless, heartless, appetite-driven, animal behavior.
I disavow co-citizenship with these reprobates. I shun them and everything they represent. Please, can you point me to the EXIT?
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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