Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Media's-President-Elect Allows That Bush is Still President, Which I Thought Was Nice of Him

Am I insane, or is this way past pretentious, verging on ego-maniacal?

Obama said Congress must pass an economic stimulus measure either before or just after he takes office in January.

[ ah...'before' he takes office...isn't Bush still President? And might he have a thought or two about it?]

But he deferred to President Bush and his economic team on major decisions in the coming weeks.

[You mean, while Bush is still The President? How gracious!]

"The United States has only one government and one president at a time," Obama said.

[Brilliant grasp of the obvious. Oprah was right!] he spoke for 20 minutes from a podium that said "the Office of the President Elect" at a hotel in his home town.

[Created by the same genius who came up with the Pre-President Obama Official Pre-Presidential Seal?]

Obama told reporters that he's confident that "a new president can have an enormous impact."

[By which he means, "I can have an enormous impact". I guess he thinks money and credit will obey him, like the oceans and the wind.]

In the spirit of bipartisanship, Obama said he expected to have a substantive conversation with Bush at that time

[This is the Associated Press admitting that just having a conversation with President Bush is considered "Bi-Partisan" by Leftists.]

[Obama said] "I am not going to anticipate problems."

[I feel so comforted that the Media's-President-Elect feels he can have a conversation with the President of the United States without any "problems". Can someone please tell me what this means? Does he normally expect President Bush to pull a gun? Spit on his shoes? Mock his wife? Call him "boy"?

And what's up with the weird construction: "I am not going to anticipate." Does he mean won't anticipate in the future? But, anticipate already implies the future. Does he mean "I don't anticipate" ? If so, why not just say that?

Or is it possible he is not the golden-tongued genius he's been described?]

Here's the entire article.

Honestly, I don't know if I can take 4 years of this. He's either going to make my head explode, or he's going to be a circus freak show that we'll watch with morbid fascination, even as the roof caves in.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see ...

The Gunslinger

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