Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Waltz of Obie and Ayers

This will not come as a surprise to anyone here. But I include it for when you need facts and figures to grind into the face of the drooling Liberal who wants to give you Obie's bullshit song and dance about his "acquaintance" with William Ayers.

(The lies are so dark, thick and sticky, I feel like I'm in Shelob's Lair with Frodo.)

"Barack Obama and the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers have worked closely together on education reform since 1995, and possibly since 1987. Obama has obfuscated and minimized this association in his public statements and on his website. Why the cover-up? We don’t know, since we aren’t sure what is being concealed.

"It’s becoming known as the Annenberg Challenge cover-up and it’s become big news since the McCain campaign highlighted it in a press release late Wednesday."

Read the whole story at Pajamas Media

The Gunslinger

1 comment:

  1. Just another child of the rich playing Robin Hood.Too bad he wasn't blown up in the Greenwich Village boo-boo.Too bad he skated on later charges because of "prosecutorial mis-conduct" by COINTELPRO.Too bad he's a "Distinguished Professor" spreading his viral hatred among the impressionable college idiots.And now he lives in HYDE PARK?!?! What a useless hypoctitical amoral pig.Typical American Leftie...9 times out of 10 from a wealthy family."Me hate Daddy and Mommy,me take it out on society,while still benefiting from trust fund"...
