Friday, October 03, 2008

Ifill's Good Behavior

I've heard a few people commenting that "opposed to expectations", Gwen Ifill's moderation of the VP debate seemed very even-handed.


Considering the firestorm of protest and outrage beforehand, she was on a VERY short leash, and under a VERY strong microscope....what the hell else could she do?

She got nailed, big time. And we effectively de-fanged her.

Good on us. Now, will we learn the right lesson from it?

The Gunslinger

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever even seen Gwen Ifill? I've watched her for years on the News Hour and Washington Week, and she's never been a confrontational, "gotcha"-type of reporter.

    She wasn't defanged. She performed like she always does.
