Thursday, August 28, 2008

William Ayers: Traitor & Obie Buddy

Here's a reminder of who, exactly, William Ayers, formerly of the Weather Underground, was and is.
William Ayers is a professor at the University of Illinois Chicago. Wait a minute. A connection to University of Illinois and Barack Obama.

Isn't this where Barack Obama also has taught some classes and used Solwinski, yet another 1960s radical, another anarchist? Yes. William Ayers, he's the leader of the Weathermen.

It was a group of students for a Democratic society. This is in 1969. They went underground to become America's very first terrorist cult. The Weathermen have been described by Ayers as "An American red army." Got it? American communist army. I don't believe we've had other armies in this country. American red army. In 1969 the Weather Underground issued a formal declaration of war on America. And by the way, America is spelled A M E R I KKK A.

Sound familiar? Is there anybody else in Barack Obama's life? Is there anybody else in Barack Obama's life that has described U.S. of KKK A?

They attempted to incite white student radicals to engage in terrorist activities that would provoke a race war in America, spelled with three Ks. White radicals would shed their white skin privilege to aid third world peoples in plundering the ill gotten wealth of the United States.

Ayers summed up the ideology as, quote, and I quote William Ayers: Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.


Please note, this man is a college professor. He is a unreconstructed terrorist who declared war on the United States of America, who escaped prosecution partly because he was protected by rich American "progressives" of the day.

He is busy writing books about what children should be taught...WTF?

He is busy still hating America, and like the "sainted" Nelson Mandela, has not, to this day, forsworn violence as a tactic.

This is Obie's good buddy. Another in a seemingly endless line of questionable say the least.

When did hanging out with terrorists at war with America become acceptable behavior for a presidential candidate? How is this even possible? When did Democrats go so far off the rails? And when did the Drunken Sluts become so stupified that they are incapable of reporting on such outrages?

We are in trouble, and it's going to be up to us to clean up this mess.

It's distinctly possible there will be blood.

The Gunslinger


  1. The speakers at the DemCon make emotional speeches about family,sacrifices for a better life,how Daddy and Mommy worked so hard,etc....THEN talk about Government taking over the provider-role.Logic-disconnect much?

  2. Yep! I made that exact point...SOMEWHERE around here.

    Drives me nuts. How can they be so stupid? Or are they just big fat liars?

    It's difficult to tell.
