Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Hate This Question

"McCain isn't my kind of conservative either. However, the question is, do you love America more than you love your ideal of conservatism?" --Anonymous

Damnit. There are more arguments, but this is kind of a show stopper. What is it we often say about the Moonbats making the perfect the enemy of the good?

Aarrgghh! Head exploding.

The Gunslinger


  1. Just another example of words being utilized to obsfucate,rather than illuminate.It's just the tactics used by trickerinos who don't have their own moral compass,scions of Screwtape...

  2. I'm not sure it's that....or whether it's a legit clarification of the problem.


  3. Better to vote/support the lesser of 2 evils and to regroup in the local trenches,to make things better, in this everlasting eternal struggle to defend human liberty and dignity,than to pout and end up with no loaf rather than half of one,for now.The Left's progression has been in baby-steps over the decades,they took what they could get at the time,knowing with the certainty of True Believers that undermining generations-old wisdom takes,well,generations.Would be nice if more Conservatives/Liberty Lovers would understand the same lesson,in order to get back on the right track.I'm sure George Will or WFB or Russell Kirk would've put it mo' better...

  4. My question is how do we ween America from the two (one) party system? How can we have a system where our elections are about issues and not who is going to screw us over less?

    I think run off elections would help a lot (for president and congress). I would be interested to know your alls' opinion.

  5. jag...the Constitution defines the method of election. It'd take an amendment to change it.

    We make a mistake to imagine that another version of democracy is particularly better. Parliamentary versions have their own problems...I don't see them being run any better, or having any finer politicians.

    Having to form alliances with other parties to form a government just guarantees more "special interests" with more influence.

    Not sure it would be any better.

    It's exactly when we imagine we can "perfect" anything that we get into the most trouble.

    McCain-Feingold was a spit in the wind effort to "clean the money out of politics". We all see how well THAT worked? It gave people with money many times more influence and power than groups of common citizens to express their views in public...they've literally been outlawed.

    Not exactly an improvement.

    There is no perfect system. In my opinion it is not the system, but the men. We make crappy men now...and rather than honor the system by doing good, they merely use it to do well for themselves.

    Without honorable men, no system will ever be honorable.
