Monday, July 21, 2008

Plentiful, Cheap Energy, Lifeblood of Civilization

My friend K.R. Mudgeon saved me from having to write this.

Our energy crisis is being left to fester by the quacks in D.C. They are bleeding us, and we're rapidly growing weaker. They should be shot as traitors...along with the Drunken Sluts we euphemistically call the News Media.

The Gunslinger

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to his site!I am a bit of a naif (is that the word?An auto-didact,stumbling thru this),but a lucky one.NOT a "webber",zipping around,plugged in to hundreds of cyber-links,I just seem to have stumbled into the best handful of know, THINKING people.Maybe everyone thinks this way,but I do pride myself on being discriminate.If I'd attended college,it probably would've been removed.Logic-removal sure does seem to a popular elective surgery,judging by the educated idiots infesting our society.Wisdom will triumph,I believe.Whew!Guess I'm more Vain than Disciplined! Makes me a perfect candidate for President,these days,eh?
