Is it just me, or is apologizing for Slavery just a little too transparently pandering?
Um...apparently the current Congress of the United States of America is unaware of the American Civil War...which pretty much negates any need for apologies over slavery...due to the fact that untold numbers of white men suffered agonies and died to end it.
Oh, and due to the fact that a White president—that would be Abraham Lincoln, for any Liberals reading this—signed the Emancipation Proclamation, officially ending slavery in the United States of America.
Oh, and due to the fact that it was entirely White people who were responsible for the freeing of the Black slaves. 'Cause the Blacks were all, well, SLAVES, and really couldn't do much about it on their own.
So....why is it we should be apologizing? Whites, as early as 1865, could be proud of the fact that they had single-handedly ended what many saw as an abomination.
What is it we're apologizing for, again?
Haven't we officially concluded that Slavery was a bad thing?
Well, apparently only some of us have. You may have noticed that the compassionate, caring, humane Liberal Left is working tirelessly to make sure Mexican peasant wetbacks, our current class of slaves, are exploited in ways the Southern cotton plantation owners never dreamed of.
At least the old antebellum slaveholders took responsiblity for the care and feeding of their own slaves. Today's clever bastards happily beat the work out of them, but foist all the responsibilities for them on the rest of us. And the little Leftie stooges work hard to see that their buddies, the big greedy corporations, have as much slave-labor as they could ever want. I guess Modern Liberal Lefties DO have a reason to apologize for slavery....they're the modern slavers...directly and personally responsible for the transport and exploitation of slaves in the United States today.
They must be so proud....following in the bold footprints of all those proud Slaving Companies and Slave Ships of the past. What a history! What a heritage!
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
I agree with all you said except the one fact that blacks did fight in the civil war, on both sides. . .
ReplyDeleteI think the Mass 54th would take exception to being told they did not fight. . .
Other than that, no one alive was a slave or owned one so why are we even talking about paying them? They always bring up the Japanese from WWII but at least there were survivors still alive that got the payment. . . We should not even be talking about payments for slavery. . ..
I know there were some black soldiers...but the entire enterprise was a White one.
ReplyDeleteA few black soldiers do not change the fact that the abolition movement was founded by White Christians, and only succeeded because whites made it happen.
While Blacks were certainly the subjects, they were not fundamental to, or significant in, the success of the abolition movement.
Their contributions were peripheral at best.
Abolition was a White Christian Movement. And that was my point.
And vastly more White men died than Black ones for the cause of Black slave emancipation.
A point conveniently ignored by the Punk-ass Black Radical Racists.
A couple points of interest and dare I say, import??
ReplyDeleteIt is my understanding that the Japanese interned during WWII were American citizens of Japanese descent.. The blacks of the South were not yet American citizens.. Quite a difference!!
Also, and it is an often obscured FACT, africans with POWER have (and I've heard still do), sold their own in to slavery.. Only reinforces American crime statistics that black on black crime is much more prevalent than White on black crime..