Dear Professional Black Radical Racists,
I've been listening to your tantrums for about 45 years now. I've been accused of racism simply because of my white skin for at least as long—no matter what "my people" do for you...free money, housing, medical care, education, affirmative action. It's never enough. Mostly we all put up with it because it's easier than arguing.
But now you are on the verge of doing something that will set back race relations 100 years: Demanding Reparations.
I would have thought the collective worth of all the money, goods and services would have been considered a fair recompense...but you want more.
You always want more.
This is not wise.This will not get you what you want, but the opposite. It will support the narrative that Blacks are indeed inferior..that you can't do for yourselves...that you need to be given everything by Whites because you are incapable of providing for yourselves. Equality cannot be given, any more than respect can be demanded. It must be earned.
And frankly, you're not doing a very good job of it. The more I give you, the less respect I have for you, don't you understand that? That is an immutable law of human nature...it will never change. For as long as you require support from Whites to survive, you will never, ever gain our respect. You may garner a certain affection, like dependent children, but never respect, or acknowledgment of equality. How would that be possible?
Of course I'm not talking to Blacks who are providing for themselves, improving their lot through their own effort. No. I mean you, the Black Racist Malcontents who persist in wallowing in self-pity and would rather fail in order to blame Whitey than succeed to the benefit of yourselves, your children, your families, your communities and your future.
Shame on you. Shame on you for abandoning human dignity for a few bucks and a phony, flashy pretense of "moral authority" which nobody but the stupidest Moonbat takes seriously. Most of us just go-along to get along because it's easier than fighting about it. We have more important things to do. Lives to live. Money to make. Families to raise. Jobs to do.
Make no mistake, we don't see you as exotic virtuous victims. We know you're just race hustlers. We get it. And we disrespect you more than you can possibly imagine. We don't make an issue of it because, frankly, it's not worth it. You bore us and we really don't want to hear it. It's worth a few bucks just to shut you up.
But we do have our limits. And we do have our flash point. Don't go there. It's not in your best interests to engage us. Remain the petty annoyances that we can ignore, and thereby keep the peace. If you imagine that we fear you, you make a great mistake...a tactical as well as a strategic one.
You get what you get—we give what we give—because the hassle of not giving just isn't worth it. But if you make the hassle—or the cost— of giving worse than the hassle of refusing, by demanding too much, too often, too rudely and too flagrantly unjustly...you will find us a suddenly and surprisingly immovable object.
And in spite of your delusions, fed by our generosity, you are not an irresistible force.
Yes, it's true, we have allowed you to define the situation—out of compassion—in ways that saved you from humiliation. That saved your pride. That spared your feelings. And made us look like the bad guys. But we don't actually believe that crap.
We're clear on the truth: You are charity cases, living off the pity of strangers.
You haven't shown much gratitude, but we understand how hard it is to be beholden to others for your very existence. It's hard on the ego. So we've given you a pass.
But there is a limit. And you are about to test it. Push us too far and we will push back.
Heed the warning: Don't wake the sleeping demon.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
You always have contempt for your benefactor when they give you what you want. It "validates" the underlying self doubt of your own capabilities. You hate them for what you are not, and you hate them for what you have become and you hate them for being tolerant of your own self loathing.
ReplyDeleteBy sucking on the teet of social largess you become un-motivated, self centered and only seek pleasure/auto-stimulus -- hence unreasonable focus on sports, sex, music, violence etc... Rather than using these activities as an occasional diversion or a reasonable compliment to your well adjusted life, they become an end unto themselves.
Without something that is "outside and greater than yourself" to focus on.. (family, community, friends, spiritual growth), this worldview can only lead to a downward spiral that is only checked after hitting the proverbial brick wall. Not a very pretty picture and not much of a future...
Bill H.
Yes, you are so right. And the "giver" never really has respect for the receiver. He may have love, pity, compassion...but usually not respect.
ReplyDeleteAnd that is a huge issue...especially between races.
You can't have equality and respect if one race is always giving and one is always taking.
The one giving always has the real (even if disguised) power, and the one receiving always has resentment and envy.
Sounds awfully familiar.