Monday, July 28, 2008

Kwame Mugabe

The Democrats' idea of a Statesman.

What normal human beings call a Thug.

His behavior rather reminds me of Mugabe, our dear friend in Zimbabwe, for whom the normal rules of human decency, civil discourse, and law, do not apply either.

And as far as I can tell, he's running Detroit about as successfully as Mugabe has run Zimbabwe...RIGHT. INTO. THE. GROUND.

The Democrats and Moonbats must be so proud.

Check this out...

The Gunslinger


1 comment:

  1. Hope he does get to speak at the DNC Convention in Denver (be a hoot,as long as indictments,etc. get mentioned,which they probably won't).Irregardless,bullshit slung from the stage and (hopefully) "Recreate 68" throwing bags of piss SHOULD enlighten more of the Public to what they'll be in for if Obama-Sham is elected,but perhaps not.David Brinkley once wrote of the difference between Demo and Republican Cons (pun intended):Republicans started on time and had little trash,Demos were always late in schedule and left much trash behind.Says a lot.Anyone want to lay bets that BO ("BO stinks!")is tempted to name KK as Veep running-mate (he'd surely put the "vice" in Vice President!)? Nah..the Handlers of Obama wouldn't let that happen.Or would they? My African friends came here to get away from thugs like this guy---"chagrin" doesn't begin to define their feelings when they see assholes like this get a pass.They have seen his kind before.
