Tuesday, July 22, 2008

O-ur Her-O

"The youth of the world bow their heads in prayer as Lord Obama releases the white doves of peace."

Ok, this is seriously creepin' me out.

The Gunslinger


  1. Did a frigging 8 year-old child do this? Nah,musta been a so-called Liberal Democrat,who is neither liberal (in the classic sense),nor democratic (in the classic sense),just another Submissive looking for a Dominator (in the "punk me" sense),but wants it sugar-coated as freedom and cherry are taken away.This is such a cheesy promo campaign,fit for 8 year-olds.No,that insults 8-year-olds. SHEESH!

  2. So why are they taking over?

  3. I'm not sure I agree with the conclusion that they're "taking over"...I would say they're making a lot of Media Splash, because the Media itself is stupid, ignorant and lazy.

    But that is always why fascists come to power, too many of "the people" just want someone else to do the work of taking care of them...government.

    And when a government is big enough and strong enough to provide everything you want...

    ...well, you know the rest.
