It wasn't until much later, when I was in my 40's, that I had the opportunity to study Revelations in a somewhat formal setting. I saw an ad for a class in the book, at a local Methodist Church. I figured, how weird can it be? When I got there and signed up, I realized it was presented by the Seventh Day Adventists who were just using the classroom space in the Methodist church building.
I don't have anything against Seventh Day Adventists, you understand. But they are a little fringy...relative to Catholics, Episcopalians and Methodists. And, as I came to know, they are absolute literalists.
I enjoyed the weekly class, and in the beginning, could not really find any flaw in the logic and persuasive arguments of the minister as he related world events with the Book. Then, one evening, the logic snapped, and he went to a place that bore no relation to what had gone before. His intelligent and reasoned reconciliation of the real and spiritual suddenly went sideways.
He had so carefully shepherded us with concrete examples, and proofs, and logic and reason, that we were quite in the palm of his hand. He seemed a thoughtful, wise and intelligent man of God. It was a jolt, I can tell you when it all derailed. In fact, I thought it was me, that I had misunderstood him. He seemed to be presenting as fact something for which he did not have a shred of evidence, that made no logical sense, and simply didn't track intellectually or appeal to reason in any conceivably way.
When I asked him about it, thinking I'd missed some critical point that would clarify...he answered, "It's a leap of faith."
I looked around and saw that no-one else seemed to notice what had happened. It was a little creepy. I felt like I'd stumbled into a cult recruitment program. I was seeing, firsthand, how people get persuaded of odd or outrageous, or impossible things through rhetorical seduction that begins with appealing to your mind, but eventually leads you in another direction entirely.
Please be clear, I'm not calling Seventh Day Adventists a "cult", I'm just saying that their process of conversion was conducted in a way I'll bet true cults do it. If they didn't creep up on the outrageous after softening you up with the reasonable, nobody would every go for it.
Though in this case the Minister was honestly only trying to save my soul...literally...finding myself the subject of such an effort was disconcerting once I realized what was going on.
I finished the class, though it got progressively bible-thumping, and very much less intellectual. I liked the people, and I like to finish what I start. I even attended the baptism of the class members who were persuaded to join the church. I wish them well. They seemed happy.
Now, why would I tell you this story? It's really just a prelude to the real point of this post. It was in this class that I first was introduced to the concept of The Mark of The Beast.
It was during the "logical" part of the class. And it made an impression on me. The Minister explained it as something (not the number 666 tattooed on your forehead!) required by the worldly powers to survive, to buy food, to run your business, to function in the worldly society.
One can infer, since it is the mark of the BEAST...it is an evil requirement, a lie, a corruption of truth, justice and the American Way or some other nasty bit of business.
I remember thinking at the time that while I really didn't believe in all the mumbo-jumbo of literal-minded Christianity, and certainly looked askance at the seeming hallucinations of The Apocalypse, if such a "mark" ever became required, that would lend some credence to the whole concept. And I figured it'd be pretty obvious if you were looking for it...keeping a weather-eye out, so to speak.
Now I don't want to go all end-of-the-world on anybody, but doesn't this "green", "global warming" hysteria over a Big Lie, with all its requirements and regulations and international laws and treaties, and state after state enforcing laws based on smoke and mirrors, demanding that everyone conform or be forced out of business...or survival...approach the threshold of a beasty sort of "mark".
If you're not "green" you're an abomination...and in more and more places and circumstances, a criminal.
I just heard this morning on the news that there's some new commission/committee/agency/bureaucracy in Europe drafting and enforcing Global Warming preventative regulations. And apparently it's also been recommended by some selection of idiots that American create something similar. A new body of bureaucrats looking over our shoulders, making new laws, demanding obedience, conformity.
I mean, the "mark" doesn't have to be literal, does it? Won't a virtual, or functional one do as well to make us all servants of the devil?
I've always has trouble with authority. I came out of the womb that way. Ask my parents. But I'm getting positively anarchic in the face of this greening/energy/global warming tyranny.
And I'm starting to ask myself how something so patently wrong and clearly false can sweep all of us into its sticky web, reducing our human freedom, requiring pretentious self-righteous meddlers to invade our privacy and take control of every facet of our lives.
Who or what can be behind such a thing, that in the face of more and more evidence that global warming is a false issue, more and more hysteria and limitations on freedom, regulations, commissions, governmental bodies, bureaucracies are created to fight it. And their weapon of choice is total control over every person in the world.
And what force is there behind such a obscene scheme, that prevents people from admitting the truth, from seeing the damage they do, from understanding the profoundly bad consequences inherent in such action, and from recognizing that nothing good, but only harm will come from it? Who or what has that kind of power, that kind of scope? Who can make this many millions of big-brained human beings such unthinking, mindless idiots?
Ok. Mabe it's not The Devil. But something the hell is going on here. The sheer scope of this madness is staggering, the implications are worse, and the results will be catastrophic.
I know we humans can be really, really stupid. But usually we're pretty reliably into survival. This business is getting to the point that we will not be able to sustain life as we know it. Thought through, the things that the EnviroStasi are insisting on, if followed to logical conclusions, will result in us living on a par with our pioneer forefathers. Well, except we won't have fireplaces, or be allowed to cut trees for wood to build or burn, or oil to lubricate our primitive machinery, or be able to cruelly ride horses, or enslave them to pull our wagons, or trap animals for food, or run a mill-wheel which would pollute the river, or...
That Seventh Day Adventist Minister might have got hold of the wrong end of the stick, but I'm thinking there's something very nasty afoot in the world that is creating this tsunami of worldwide suicidal idiocy.
I wear a lot of black. And my new line is: "I like black. It's the color of OIL!"
(Recycle that, motherfuckers.)
The Gunslinger
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your efforts. I have enjoyed reading and responding to your posts. Please keep up the good work.
One of the interesting things about the NatureNazis is the pliability of their ideology.
The fundamentals of their religion can take an 180 degree turn and they can still seemingly remain orthodox in their cult of lies and deception.
I have recently noticed that the mantra is no longer global warming but now it is framed as "climate change". Under the ubiquitous banner of "climate change: they can now lay claim to any aberrant act of nature to suit their cause.
I have always been an outdoors type of guy... hunter, fishing, boating, biking etc.. and I encourage and include my wife, my sons and my daughter in all activities. I respect and revere nature as the creation of an almighty God. That said... as wonderful as it is.. it is a fallen nature, and if it gets a chance it will try and kill you at every turn. Bugs want you as dinner, predators want you dead and the wild outdoors wants you decomposed in order to make more dirt. Therefore it has been our calling since Adam and Eve got kicked out of paradise to make every attempt to subdue the earth and use it wisely and judiciously.
We should drill for energy resources, dig for gold, cut down trees to make homes etc...
The EnviroStassi's as you so aptly call them, somehow see nature differently. They see nature as a God and as such we are subject to "its" capriciousness and its will.
This ideology has a root and you are right when you say it has organization. It is not a meaningless conglomeration of hap hazard regulations and ideals. "They" the EnviroStassi's have a plan. And it does not include the proliferation of mankind or our western culture.
Constance Cumbey wrote a book some years ago title "The hidden dangers of the rainbow". At the risk of sounding like a kook... check out her website and some of her conference presentations on Youtube. She seems like a very reasonable lady and she has a brain the size of my back 40 acres. Her website is http://www.cumbey.blogspot.com/
Check it out. For the last 25 years she has been saying the same things you are saying with regards to ... and I will quote Buffalo Springfield
"there's something happinin here
what it is aint exactly clear "
Take care and God Bless
Bill Henry
Reality may really be an illusion.
ReplyDeleteFar out, man.
I agree with you,Gunny,and I'm a-scared! These folks are more Nazi than the Nazis,in the same way the Stassi were WAY worse than the Nazis in their reach.Seems like Human Suicide virus infects them.Lotta self-loathing in the subtext of their screeds.In the past,natural selection would've thinned the Herd of these imbeciles.Ironically,the culture that allowed their survival is the one they're out to destroy.Ungrateful pissants...
ReplyDeleteTo both Bill and TJ...It is most odd, and so shortsighted of the EnviroStasi not to understand that in the REAL WILD, they would be something's dinner in about 5 minutes.
ReplyDeleteThey can, like the goo-goo pagans, imagine Mother Nature/Goddess to be a tame thing, mild and sweet, like Mary, Jesus' mother...because they are protected in the womb/cocoon of modern civilization.
No man who has actually dealt with the capriciousness of Mother Nature and her raw power thinks she is a lullaby singing, nurturing Mommy all the time. But those whose sole experience of nature is protesting development by sitting in a tree in Berkeley...with the police—on orders of the City Council— protecting them, and water and food delivered to them...really don't have a handle on Nature's ways.
The damned irony is they think the very womb that protects them from all nature's worst fury...is "unnatural" and doesn't belong in the Natural world. They believe we and it are interlopers.
I always wonder where the hell they think we came from.
"...the mark of the BEAST...it is an evil requirement, a lie, a corruption of truth, justice and the American Way or some other nasty bit of business."
ReplyDeleteMandatory carbon credits recently proposed in the UK anyone?
I'm amazed at "environmentalists" who will stand in line to protest the cutting down of a single tree, but stood absolutely silent when 2 members of the Pacifica City Council flat out lied about, and attempted to cover up, a 7 million gallon sewer spill from our water treatment plant. they shrugged their shoulders and accepted the lies, and have gone right back to fighting development around Calera Creek because it is an "Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area", the same "nature" that had 7 million gallons of human waste dumped on it.
ReplyDeleteyes the mind's ability to embrace such radical hypocrisy when it comes to any ideology is amazing. The promotion of the ideology becomes tantamount to promoting the truth. ask around about Mark Massara of the Sierra Club, who went before the Coastal Commission a few months ago and presented completely fallacies to oppose a condominium development on Beach Boulevard.
present your ideas, present your facts, and if they fail in the public or private realm then accept that and try harder. but don't manipulate data because the acceptance of such truth would undermine your rosy image of the planet.
Dennis Miller said it best. he saw a fur protester step over a homeless man to spit on a woman wearing a mink coat. aside from the glaring insensitivity to a member of their own species, Miller reflected that the mink is one of the most ruthless killers in the animal kingdom and if it had evolved with our intelligence, it wouldn't hesitate for ONE SECOND to wear a human pelt.
When people see only minor inconveniences to their own lives, all the while making them feel like they belong and that they are doing something good and none of their neighbors and friends are going to look down on them for their beliefs... it's easy to see why people join the green religion. Even if they aren't true believers, they will at the least not offer any resistance.
ReplyDeleteToo many people are like sheep. They want to belong, to be like everyone else. They especially don't want to be seen as uneducated or uncivilized. This gives them a home where they can feel good about themselves.
Make their green certification part of allowing them to engage in commerce, and they'll go along with it. It's a small enough price to pay.
The world is made up of leaders and followers. Of "sheep" and "wolves" and "sheepdogs".
ReplyDeleteThe wolves prey on the sheep, the sheep cower and are helpless before them. The sheepdogs gather, organize and lead the sheep... and conquer the wolves.
It only takes a few sheepdogs to change the course of history.