Wednesday, April 16, 2008

High Horse

George Will on Obie and his "bitter" remarks. I think he's hit the nail on the head with his analysis: Liberal Darwinian Political Evolution.

(I don't think an "Intelligent" designer wouldn't have come up with such a thing.)

"By so speaking, Obama does fulfill liberalism's transformation since Franklin Roosevelt. What had been under FDR a celebration of America and the values of its working people has become a doctrine of condescension toward those people and the supposedly coarse and vulgar country that pleases them....

...Because the manipulable masses are easily given a "false consciousness" (another category, like religion as the "opiate" of the suffering masses, that liberalism appropriated from Marxism), four things follow:

First, the consent of the governed, when their behavior is governed by their false consciousnesses, is unimportant. Second, the public requires the supervision of a progressive elite which, somehow emancipated from false consciousness, can engineer true consciousness. Third, because consciousness is a reflection of social conditions, true consciousness is engineered by progressive social reforms. Fourth, because people in the grip of false consciousness cannot be expected to demand or even consent to such reforms, those reforms usually must be imposed, for example, by judicial fiats."

Self-Congratulatory, self-referential, elitist candidates by definition disdain the hoi polloi, but it's important not to be quite so obvious about it. Of course Obie thinks insulting the cretins who live between the coasts isn't such a big deal. I mean, they can't read...and all they do is bowl, watch Nascar & Wrestling, and handle snakes for Jesus. How will they find out?

The Gunslinger


  1. They can't read because of obie's pubic skrool sistim..
    errrrr I mean public school system..
    Inadvertently slipped into ebonic spelling!!
