James Pennington has a daring piece in American Thinker.
It's "daring" because it dares to say what no one wants to say: The more blacks and whites mix, the less they like each other.
It is a sad, but fairly obvious conclusion for anyone who has observed the phenomenon first hand. And it is, for the mainstream media, and racial hucksters, something that cannot be said.
Obama's candidacy seems to have at least had this beneficial effect. Truths that have been unceremoniously banned from public discourse are finally being heard.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
ReplyDeleteAgreed. I wonder if the reason they didn't bother holding it in, was that they have been in Racist Wright's congregation so long, they forgot that he, his ideas, and hence, their ideas were radioactive to mainstream Americans.
The pass Obie's getting from the press and the Liberals is shocking, particularly in the face of the grueling third degree Mitt Romney got about his religion for months...which was in great part what doomed his candidacy.
And in the face of the instant death of any white person who says anything that can be construed...even mistakenly as a racist statement or WORD.
Remember the brouhaha over the man who used the word "niggardly"...and was attacked as a racist by ignorant blacks who had no idea what the world meant, but assumed it to have some connection with "nigger"...and was fired by people who knew better...knew what the word meant, and were so hysterical about "being seen" as racist, even when patently not, that they were willing to sacrifice an entirely innocent man to the demands of the illiterate.
But Jeremiah Wright can repeatedly spew his racist poison in public, with a United States Senator in attendance, for 20 years—and we get a single speech telling Whitey that if we don't "move on", WE'RE the ones being divisive.
And the slobbering, grovelling socialists on the left and in the press are pacified.
It's sick. And those of us who see the sickness and the threat are called haters and bigots.
Old Whitey WILL awake and rebel eventually. But I fear not until his very survival hangs in the balance.
That's my prediction...though I wish it were otherwise.
It will not be pretty.
I wonder if Rev Wright hates the white half of Obie...I wonder if Obie hates his white half..is his wife only proud of the black half????????
ReplyDeleteLike everything else to do with race in this country: total hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteIn the "old days" if your were half Black and half White you were considered BLACK. This was considered a racist to do thing when WHITE people were the arbiters of it.
But today, someone Half White and Half Black will ALWAYS identify as Black, and we're supposed to accept this as the "natural thing to do" since it's BLACKS who are the arbiters of it.
If Whites consider a half/half Black, it's racism. If Blacks do, it's natural and obvious.
I think Obie uses his "Whiteness" as a political hustle, but does not identify, or consider himself White at all. He chose a Black wife and a Black church...one that is not only filled with people that happen to have black skin...but one that aggressively preaches Black Supremacy and Separation, hate, evil and racisim.
I don't think his "white" side is much considered, except insofar as it might be used to get White votes.
Just another Black race hustler.
And, I think it demonstrates the falseness of the idea that "latte" colored people will transcend race.
They will not. They will ALL be BLACK, just like they are now, by choice.
When all white genes are mixed with black genes, White people will disappear. But "Black" people will not.
"When all white genes are mixed with black genes, White people will disappear. But "Black" people will not."
ReplyDeleteIsn't that pretty much the definition of 'genocide', to remove the conditions where a particular racial group can survive as that racial group?
Yep, my point exactly. And all we can do is shout "racist!" at anyone who worries about it or mentions it.
They'll be the literal death of us all!