This is for Jagwio, who thinks I don't know what Affirmative Action is:
It was racial integration and government welfare that CAUSED today's diseased and dysfunctional inner-cities.
Not Slavery.
Between the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil Rights Act, Blacks had families, a work ethic, personal responsibility, hope, ambition, religion and community.
With integration, competent, talented, educated Blacks moved away from their neighborhoods to the suburbs, to the "nice" parts of the city. They were no longer prevented from full participation in all the benefits of society.
By doing so, they withdrew all their talent, businesses, services and skills from the old neighborhood. And those old neighborhoods began to fail as a result.
Because many of those left behind didn't have those same talents, or work ethic, or ambition, or education, or money.
But rather than institute education and work training, and jobs, our "War on Poverty" government, paid these undereducated, unskilled people not to work and not to learn. They discouraged marriage, by refusing payments to women with children who lived with the fathers of their children.
Government programs taught these people to stay unemployed to keep the "free" money coming in. They taught them to remain unmarried to keep the "free" money coming in.
They taught them that the government would house them, feed them, clothe them, pay for all their fatherless children, which encouraged fathers not to claim their children (which would stop the payments) and encouraged women to have more children to get more money.
The misery, helplessness, ignorance, shiftlessness, crime, illegitimacy, generation after generation is the direct result of control and conditioning by short-sighted, stupid, socialist government programs intended to "help".
Slavery had NOTHING to do with it.
Stupid, short-sighted socialist government programs intended to "help" had EVERYTHING to do with it.
And the situation continues to deteriorate because the same old programs are still creating the same old results. And every year it gets worse. Because socialists have a stake in maintaining the status quo. As long as the people are poor and ignorant, they will continue to vote for the socialists who continue to promise more unearned money and benefits, while blaming slavery and white racism for their misery. And the cycle of irresponsibility and failure continues.
Now, 75% of black children are without fathers. More black men are in jail. More blacks have AIDS. More blacks are addicted to crack and other insidious drugs. More black teenage girls have sexually transmitted diseases. More blacks are murdered by other blacks than by all the generations of White Racist lynch mobs combined.
Martin Luther King wanted people to be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. But stupid, short-sighted socialist government programs, intended to "help" have destroyed the character of generations of poor, inner-city blacks, and have most particularly, specifically and purposefully based every single thing on the color of their skin.
Before Integration & the War on Poverty, which really was a War on Black People—-even with the "legacy of slavery"—-black families were strong, most black kids had dads, and both parents taught their children to work hard, be honest, value education, and how to be good men and women. Black urban neighborhoods were strong, respectable and cohesive; everybody went to church. Gangs, drugs, prostitution, disease, illiteracy and illegitimacy were NOT the defining characteristics of Black urban communities.
My, how government "help" changed things. And is still keeping the poor urban blacks uneducated, dependent, unmotivated, fatherless, criminal, drug addicted, imprisoned.
That's what's wrong here.
Affirmative Action is just another stupid short-sighted socialist government program, intended to "help", but does irreparable harm by creating a sense of entitlement which in most average people undermines motivation, excellence, striving, and pride in accomplishment.
"Self-respect", so necessary for happiness, success, and uplifting the human spirit is precisely the thing you can never get from unearned entitlements.
I know exactly what Affirmative Action is. It is part of a legacy of failure, broken spirits and under-achievement. It is a shadow of doubt cast on the true merit of every Black's apparent success.
And I am not sufficiently racist to wish that on Black people.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
That's the best argument against social welfare I have heard (although to be fair, affirmative action is not the same as social welfare). Definitely bears a read or two. (See, I do listen ;P).
ReplyDeleteI would be interested to know what you think the solution to this legacy would be...
ReplyDeleteIf it's your desire to to live in a world where there is no discrimination, you cannot, at the same time, be in favor of affirmative action. Affirmative action promotes discrimination by bringing attention to the very people it's supposed to be helping. By giving preferential treatment to a particular group of people affirmative action is in essence saying, you aren't good enough to make it on your own.
Furthermore, when a lesser qualified person is hired in the workplace, it's detrimental to that particular business.
A question for you. If you were facing a major surgery, perhaps life or death, would you want the most qualified doctor available or would you assuage your social conscience and opt for one that was hired through affirmative action?
And this just in, from Obie's speech today:
ReplyDeleteAt the same time, Obama said whites are partly justified in fearing that good jobs or college slots, which they qualify for, might go to blacks under programs giving minorities "an advantage."
"To wish away the resentments of white Americans, to label them as misguided or even racist, without recognizing they are grounded in legitimate concerns, this too widens the racial divide," he said.
A dodge from the velvet voice.
ReplyDeleteHe's just dancing as fast as he can trying to deflect attention from his racist, white-hating, America-hating mentor and spiritual advisor.
Say anything. Anything. Keep talking, keep dancing, keep doing tricks... don't let them think about Jeremiah.
Jag, my solution to the legacy is:
Let every man succeed or fail based on his own desire, effort, discipline, ambition, talent or skill.
"If you don't work, you don't eat."
Freedom to fail is a GREAT motivator.
The thing I am interested in GS, is whether you think it would be appropriate (if it was possible) to end social welfare tomorrow, or to phase it out gradually. I am interested in whether you would remove all social welfare/socialization (even road services, public parks, public schools, disaster relief, asylums, etc). To throw the crazies and the needy onto the streets. That's going to make it very hard for someone who lost their house to ever get back up and going. And there won't be any public asylums to house them when they go insane...
ReplyDeleteI supposed we could jail them, but that's another socialized institution.
It would be a very tricky undertaking, and not one America would be the better for.
I have been reading statistics on welfare lately, and it seems to be sort of a myth that most or even all welfare recipients are being paid to do drugs, etc. all day while their children vandalize our streets.
Also, if conservatives don't believe in social welfare programs, why is there no nationwide conservative, free-market organization that helps people in crisis who do not receive welfare benefits (that would not be hard to set up legally, I wouldn't think).
AD - I doubt I could afford the most qualified doctor, but anyone who is qualified and competent would be fine with me.
I have yet to see any evidence that affirmative action is anything but a federal mandate to be fair in hiring and in education, and that in theory and practice it works well to promote fairness. There are no federal laws requiring quotas, etc.
ReplyDeletePaying, feeding, clothing, and housing perfectly healthy, fit adult human beings for doing nothing is not the same as bailing out a crazy person who cannot help himself.
As a decent, advanced, civilized society we have a duty to prevent people who cannot help themselves from suffering privation or misery.
That being said, that does not include people who bought houses they couldn't afford, who make irresponsible financial choices, who run up their credit card debt so they can have iPods and cell phones, or shop at Nordstrom's instead of Wal-Mart.
Everybody who is able-bodied and sane has the responsibility to take care of themselves.
That's it. If you want to be FREE. That how it works.
There is no such thing as a "level playing field". It's a myth.
Some people are beautiful. Some are ugly. Some are talented. Some can't play a music box. Some are brilliant. Some are dumber than a box of rocks. Some are short or fat or bald or bow-legged. Some are willowy or graceful or charming or charismatic.
Some want to work hard; some are lazy.
And no matter how much Liberals want to, they can't change that.
I wasn't born on a "level-playing field" with Paris Hilton.
And I just need to get OVER it and get ON with it.
And Jag, Affirmative Action is not "fairness" in the work place. That's the myth. It is, in fact, a quota system by which blacks of less ability, talent and experience get preferential treatment, and are hired for jobs for which there were better qualified white applicants.
The same thing happens in college placements, government contracts, and all manner of other hiring practices—mandated by law...or fear of public humiliation by race hustlers like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, who have made a living persecuting employers for NOT hiring unqualified Blacks...
That's how is actually works.