Monday, January 28, 2008

Republicans...Grow the Hell UP!

OK. Republicans are starting to sound like Moonbat Democrats.

They just can't keep from bashing the Clintons. It's clearly an obsession. Time to call it what it is: the Clinton Derangement Syndrome (CDS).

You can't tune in to any Conservative talk show, or pull up any Conservative web commentary without hearing how mean, low and nasty the Clintons are treating the fine, young, upstanding Obama; or hearing the delirious joy at the shellacking they are getting from their former mascots, the mainstream media.

I can't count the times I've heard Conservative Republicans describing Barack Obama as "above the fray", "inspiring", "energetic", "youthful", "articulate"...

Enough! He is the Enemy, people. He is worse than Hillary for a several reasons.

1) He is an unremitting Left-Wing Liberal who actually believes his own nonsense.

2) His race will make him a difficult candidate to campaign against. Every word said will be denounced as "racism". If you don't believe that, you have never heard of Al Sharpton.

3) Many Democrats are wildly enthusiastic about him.

These are BAD traits in an opponent.

Hillary is the person we want nominated because:

1) She is pragmatic—not a true believer. This means SOMETIMES she will do the right thing because it would be in her own selfish political interests...(just in case she actually wins!)

2) She has worn out any "victim" status she may have had. Everyone considers her a viper, so attacking her in a campaign will not tarnish the attacker.

3) Many Democrats are disillusioned with Hillary & Bill. She is simply not going to be able to energize a nationwide grassroots wave of wild enthusiasm. Democrats will grudgingly go to the polls, or perhaps, in disgust, not bother at all. This is something we absolutely WANT to happen!

People, if we can't say anything nice about Hillary, let's just shut up. By incessantly bashing her, we are, by default, elevating Obama. We give him credence, respect and gravitas he does not merit.

It's time for a serious dose of political realism.

Judicious, repeated questioning of both of their "credentials" is what's called for here. The dizzy joy of slamming Hillary and by dint of it, celebrating Obama is a losing strategy, no matter how good it feels.

It would appear that Republicans, rather than teaching the Democrats how to act like adults, have learned instead, to indulge in instant gratification like teenagers, and to hell with the consequences.


The Gunslinger

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