Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mental Illness

Have you heard about the recent study that showed that the majority of Republicans consider themselves in excellent mental health, compared to only 38% of Democrats who consider themselves mentally healthy?

I've been hearing a lot of discussion about it...."Why," people are asking, truly perplexed, "do Republicans consider themselves happily sane, and Democrats think of themselves as in poorer mental health?"

I should think the answer is obvious: Republicans are sane, and Democrats are nuts. In other words, they both think what they think because it is objectively true.

Now, how hard was that?

Here's a snarky post at Blogs 4 Conservatives about it.

The Gunslinger


  1. Very good summary. You cut right to the chase!

  2. Thanks, psycheout...

    Why does everyone have to make things so complicated?

