Friday, October 12, 2007

Anti-Communist Hollywood Film Surfaces

Sunday morning film advisory.

Apparently this one snuck in under the Hollywood radar.

The director was "blacklisted", by Hollywood...who were so outraged by blacklisting.

(To call them hypocrites is so redundant and boring at this point...)

Check it out.

The Gunslinger


  1. For a more in depth look at the communist party in America I suggest Ann Coulter's "Treason".
    Eminently more believable than anything ever produced by algore or michael moore, it's a very scary look at a very scary piece of our history. Please don't discount the link to todays democratic party.

  2. Link, theres not just a link they are the communist/marxist party.
    They sould be tried,convicted and hung,their usless bodies should be chained to the back bumper of a Humvee and drug down a cobblestone street to the outskrits of town,whats left thrown in a pile for the maggots and vultures

  3. Right on LowAndSlowPony...

    If torture and death are worth doing...they're worth doing RIGHT!


    I've pretty much discarded the terms "Liberal" and "Progressive" and moved on to "Socialist" when discussing the Democrats et al.

    Right you are, my friend.
