Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Oui? No!

This has been brewing for a while.

Like our heroic Marines, brave and true Israeli soldiers have been slandered and smeared.

Can we figure out a punishment for the members of the media who participate in this sort of totally false, uncorroborated, un-researched, un-investigated character assassination, that actually might give them pause next time?

Castration? Lynching? Forced wearing of Cowboy hats?

Link to NY Sun story

The Gunslinger


  1. Make them take a Glock or Sig Armors course or buy me a Barret would be a great punishment.

  2. Put one of those spray-on tattoos on their face, something insulting islam and toss them out near chop-chop square on a friday afternoon.

    let them enjoy some extremist hospitality they're always banging on about and defending.

  3. Barret.50 Sniper?

    Yes please.
