Friday, June 15, 2007

Losing the White Vote?

Was just reading another brilliant analysis by Thomas Sowell, about the current abortion of an "Immigration Reform" bill. And this sentence caught my eye:

Both political parties know what is going on and both parties choose to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. Neither wants to risk losing the Hispanic vote, though it is doubtful whether all Hispanics are in favor of open borders.

Why is it no-one worries about losing the White vote?

I suggest we need to work on that.

Does anyone think that once 12-20 million more Mexicans are "officially" in the country, and on the road to citizenship...and voting, that the pandering to them will stop? Exactly how much Pro-Mexican legislation will be crammed down the throats of the White majority because whore-politicians don't want to lose the "Hispanic Vote"for the rest of our natural lives, and those of our children?

They might as well already be a majority. Because the Majority seems to have no power at all to stop the pimping of legislators to the Mexican interests.

I suggest that while we are still the majority, it might be a good idea to impress on the shits in Washington, that if they DO PASS this suicidal bill, they'll lose the White vote.

And they can decide which is more important to them: dependent, resource gobbling, non-taxpaying, ignorant, unskilled, criminal peasants who don't speak English; or the productive citizens, who pay the bills and make political contributions.

The Gunslinger

P.S. I'd like to say "the white and black vote", but most blacks have not shown any indication of actually voting in their own best interests. They're obsessive loyalty to the Plantationists of the Democratic party in spite of every demonstration that its agenda is inimical to their success and prosperity, does not hold out much hope that they'll use their vote as a weapon as their new, aggressive direct competitors for jobs and "most important minority group" status, the Mexicans, are learning very swiftly to do.

P.P.S. And when I say "Mexicans", I mean Mexicans. Not Americans of Mexican heritage. I mean Mexicans who, with no intention of becoming loyal Americans, gobble up jobs and resources, and soon will be voting in American elections, but remain, in all ways that matter, citizens of a foreign country. With loyalties to Mexico and Mexicans, instead of to America and Americans.

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