An Open Letter to Senator Reid on His Declaration of Defeat
Posted: 21 Apr 2007 10:25 AM CDT
The following letter was written by Lt. Jason Nichols, a Naval officer who is currently serving in Baghdad. He is also the head of Appeal for Courage
Senator Reid:
When you say we've lost in Iraq, I don't think you understand the effect of your words. The Iraqis I speak with are the good guys here, fighting to build a stable government. They hear what you say, but they don't understand it. They don't know about the political game, they don't know about a Presidential veto, and they don't know about party politics.
But they do know that if they help us, they are noticed by terrorists and extremists. They decide to help us if they think we can protect them from those terrorists. They tell us where caches of weapons are hidden. They call and report small groups of men who are strangers to the neighborhood, men that look the same to us, but are obvious to them as a foreign suicide cell.
To be brief, your words are killing us. Your statements make the Iraqis afraid to help us for fear we'll leave them unprotected in the future. They don't report a cache, and its weapons blow up my friends in a convoy. They don't report a foreign fighter, and that fighter sends a mortar onto my base. Your statements are noticed, and they have an effect.
Finally, you are mistaken when you say we are losing. We are winning, I see it every day. However, we will win with fewer casualties if you help us. Will you?
LT Jason Nichols, USN
MNF-I, Baghdad
I demand Harry Reid be indicted for treason. He is worse than Tokyo Rose. He is an elected official, a member of the governmnet, who knows exactly how hurtful and dangerous his words are. And he is doing them for greedy political gain, at the expense of his country and the soldiers giving their lives for it. I want him tried, and when convicted, executed. On television. During Prime Time.
I am not exaggerating or engaging in hyperbole or a partisan rant. I want the man tried for treason, because that's what he is, a traitor; a traitor who for a few pieces of political silver is delighted to betray his country and everything it stands for.
He's a foresworn Judas; a villain, a vow-breaker. This soulless cockroach masquerading as a human being should be shunned by all people of honor.
The Gunslinger
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