Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Muslim Reformer's Blunt Assessment

Tawfik Hamid, a former terrorist, has some wise words for Muslims who want to preserve their faith. Whether they know it or not, the alternative is destruction at the hands of us "Islamophobes".

I hope they listen.

The Gunslinger

Opinion Journal, "How to End Islamophobia".

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, the Reformation is Islam is its only path to its survival, but in my humble opinion this cannot happen...

    You would end up with "Christianity Without Christ" that would be rejected by the Muslim rank & file.

    I mean why settle for a substitute when you can have the real thing? And they would have the true faith if the entire Middle East were occupied and controlled by the USA, and the state support for Islam ended.

    On a level playing field, Christianity wins.....

    Cheers, Ronbo
