Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Mexican Flood Unleashed

Every single word of this post reflects my thinking on the subject. Contact your Senators immediately and let them know that if they vote for this bill, there WILL be consequences.

I've written to MY Senators, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, with obvious feelings of futility...but everyone doesn't live in this asylum...and every contact counts.

Maybe your Senator just needs a little kick in the ass to see things clearly. That mine have been lobotomized beyond redemption is a sad fact, but some are still influence-able, surely.

Don't let the moment pass. This is vitally important. This bill would essentially legalize something like 12 million illegal Mexican aliens. Giving them the right to benefits, including Social Security (kiss yours goodbye!) medical, welfare, education and...wait for it...the RIGHT TO VOTE.

They invade in a flood, and are rewarded with power to determine the policy of OUR country, while remaining Mexican in all ways that matter: culture, language, loyalty, tradition, history.

That is bad enough. But worse, this Amnesty will, without doubt, encourage millions more to follow them.

Let's be clear: These people are poor, unskilled, uneducated, and unfortunately often disease ridden. They will consume much more than they ever contribute. Previous beneficiaries of Amnesty have proven that.

We can't sustain it. It is already altering for the worse, our standard of living, our culture, our unity, our nation. We cannot stand by silently while our "leaders", in the interests of Democratic Vote greed and Republican Cheap Labor greed, give away our country.

We have to stand up and demand that this foul stench of a bill be defeated.

Update: From American Daughter

Proponents for amnesty claim that the “undocumented guest workers” pay taxes and should be entitled to citizenship. They claim the influx of illegal border crossers is good for the economy. According to an email I received from a retired official in the INS, who took it from the website Immigration Counters, this is definitely not true. It starts with the statement that there are an estimated 20,807,645 illegal aliens in the country. (That’s just this email. The number is increasing constantly.)

As for costs, the breakdown is:

  • Money wired to Mexico City since January, 2006–$22,213,001,672.
  • Cost of social services for illegal aliens since 1996–$397,450,739,563.
  • Number of children of illegal aliens in public schools—3,958,789.
  • Cost of illegal aliens in K-12 since 1996–$13,965,063,431.
  • Number of illegal aliens incarcerated—332,594.
  • Cost of incarcerations since 2001–$1,398,127,429.
  • Number of illegal Aliens fugitives—642,799.
  • Skilled jobs taken by illegal aliens—9,872,835.

Click the link and read the rest of this story.

The Gunslinger