Whether we like it or not, we are not just at war with Jihadism, we are at war with "traditional" Arab culture.
By that I mean the Strongman Mythos.
Middle Eastern Arabs have, since time immemorial, operated on a distinctly different idea of "government" that the West has developed.
In the West, we believe in the ideals of equality, fairness, cooperation, the sharing of and the peaceful transition of power, of success through merit, the opportunity of earning success through hard work and education. We organize ourselves into political parties that represent certain ideas and philosophies, and work to convince voters to elect people who represent them. While certain individuals become particularly representative of the parties, like Ronald Reagan, or Bill Clinton, when those individuals die or retire, the parties continue, drawing others to represent their platforms and worldviews.
In the Arab culture, they believe in Power. The grabbing of it, the keeping of it, the exercise of it, the killing, lying, cheating and stealing for it. They organize around an individual Strongman, not a set of ideals or ideas. They support their chosen patron loyally in the expectation that when he wins power, he will reward them for their loyalty with power and wealth of their own.
Should their chosen Strongman evidence weakness, or fail, they will quickly transfer loyalty to another whom they believe has a greater chance of success. A weakened Strongman will be deserted, betrayed and likely murdered...by an ambitious self-determined successor.
Patronage and power are the key elements of the Arab political world.
This is what Osama bin Laden meant when he spoke about the strong vs the weak horse. He was speaking from his Arab roots. His culture admires the strong horse...the Strongman...because he guarantees loyal followers power and riches.
This is why Islam is so fatally appealing to Arabs. It was invented by an Arab who shared the fundamental bias of their culture. Allah is the ultimate Strongman.
He is not a sacrificing god, a loving god, a fair or equitable god. He is not a reasonable or reasoning god. He is a tyrannical, commanding, arbitrary, power wielding, obedience demanding, Strongman God, who promises his followers great rewards for their ferocious, blind loyalty.
We can win respect, self-serving loyalty, and even conversion of Arabs and Muslims if we convince them that we are the strongest Strongman, and that our God is the strongest god.
They will not cooperate; but they will surrender. They will not accept apologies; but they will follow orders. They will not be satisfied with appeasement; but they will accept defeat.
We are, in fact, the Strongman of the world. It's time we own it, instead of acting like an international Metrosexual pouf in drag, mincing and whining and apologizing for it.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Very nice. Very nice indeed. I dunno about you, but I'm about sick and tired of being expected to be always so apologetic for everything the white people and the West have ever done.