All the wailing and crying about 32 dead people at Virgina-Tech, particularly by the left-wing media and gun control crowd howling about the horrors of this preventable massacre, makes me furious. Anger is my primary response to this story.
These people are co-conspirators in this crime. They conspired to make sure that this criminal could go about the campus, unresisted, and kill at will.
They made sure that nobody but the criminal was armed; that everyone else was defenseless in the face of any attack by any thug who decided to shoot them.
They made sure that the students, faculty, and visitors had the smallest chance of survival in such an attack.
They demanded the legislature prohibit* the carrying of legal guns on that campus. They congratulated themselves on how much "safer" the campus was once they banned the legally licensed bearing of concealed weapons.
(*CORRECTION: They demanded the legislature allow THEM to prohibit guns on campus)
And, it being a public policy, they made sure that every criminal was duly informed that, should they decide to go onto the Virginia Tech campus and shoot people, there was virtually no chance of anyone shooting back.
And, now that what they orchestrated so meticulously has taken place, they're shocked and horrified, and seeking to blame anyone but themselves for this heinous crime for which they are, in part, responsible.
This crime will never weigh on their consciences, however. They are too busy scurrying down the road of blame and finger-pointing, blindly self-righteous in their blundering denial of reality and their dim-witted refusal to learn from the repeated failures of their zealous, dogmatic policy of disarming victims.
In their willful and malicious ignorance they invented the concept of "gun-free zones", which are, in fact "safe-zones" for criminals. They industriously set up the best, most congenial, most convenient, safest, low-risk situation for killers on a spree, and then advertised them far and wide.
And 32 people are dead.
Another school. Another "gun-free zone". Another criminal who ignores the "rules". Another massacre.
My God, when will they learn?
There are not too many massacres at gun shows, or NRA conventions, or hunters' clubs, or shooting ranges, or gun stores, or police stations...does anyone see the common thread here?
At places where there are LOTS of (legal) guns, there is almost never a shooting.
But they sure do happen a lot at schools—where guns are proudly and strictly prohibited.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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